Today’s Scripture: Cast away from you all the transgressions that you have committed, and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit! Why will you die, O house of Israel? Ezekiel 18:31 ESV
Unloading guilt, sins and habits that weigh us down gives us new life! Just cast these transgressions away! Let go and come alive with a new heart and a new spirit.
This affirmation was one the Lord laid on my heart almost two years ago and my heart and spirit are even more alive and joyful today. His greatness and His joy continue to fill my once broken heart.
God is faithful to give us this new heart and new spirit. Are you able to cast aside those things that rob you of your aliveness? Have you accepted God’s promise of forgiveness?
How are you more alive today? Do you need to cast something away?
Today’s Prayer: Almighty God, thank You for my new heart and my new spirit. Thank You for accepting and forgiving my sins. Thank You for filling my heart and my spirit with Your love. I pray all others experience Your promise. I pray that we let go of those things that kill us and look to Your light and live. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Wrote in my Moleskine this morning that I need to eradicate anger and a root of bitterness that is building. Yeah, I need a new heart.
Praying with you my brother. Just let it go, let it all go! What builds binds us what loosed frees us! I know He will bless and honor your desire. Let them go and put your seatbelt on for the new heart and spirit that is assured to come! Thank you Bill for your faithful visits and for sharing your heart!! I look forward to hearing about the new heart that erupts!!
Thanks Patsy!
Tom, thank you very much! What a glorious affirmation!
Alive with a new heart and a new spirit I am grateful to be!
May God’s Law be on my heart – and may His Love fill me!
May we share His endless Love with all whom we do meet,
That they too may experience this spiritual rebirth sweet!
God bless you, dear brother and friend, in all that you do!
Thankful I am to co-labor in Christ Jesus, our Lord, with you!
Caroline, you crack me up. How these words just roll off your tongue in perfection! SWEET, for sure!! Thank you my sister and let it spring forth!! Abundant Blessings!!
Wow, Tom!!! Thank you, thank you! I am humbled… 🙂
May God’s sweet blessings flow to you throughout the weekend –
Thankful I am to labor in Christ with you, dear Brother and Friend!
Abundant blessings always!!
Thank you Caroline and abundant blessings to you!!