Today’s Scripture: and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Romans 5:5 ESV
I rejoice in God and I pray the love and hope that has been poured into me can spill into others yet to know this love.
I trust God to show His love. I have faith that the Holy Spirit will pour into every heart. Can we share what has been poured into us?
Two verses earlier in 5:3 Paul reminds us to rejoice in our sufferings. I do rejoice in my addictions and they are the best things that ever happened to me. It may sound strange but in these sufferings is where I came to know God and experience His love. We are told our sufferings produce endurance that produces character that produces hope.
The hope and love that has been poured into me is what I want to pour into others. God has overflowed my heart.
What will you do today with the love and hope that has been poured into you? If you do not know this love please reach out to me and I would love to share what I have been given.
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for Jesus who justified me. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who poured Your love into me. Forgive me for hoarding Your love. Help me to share with others the love and hope You have poured into my heart. I rejoice in You! Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
roberttyler says
Thank you for your beautiful words today. I am always inspired by your daily sharing of your thoughts. I thank God for you .
Bobby Tyler
Tom Raines says
Thank you brother Bobby! I appreciate your encouragement and I thank God for you too! Blessings!
jelillie says
Amen Tom! We cannot afford to hoard what God has put inside of us. Like water kept too long from flowing the glory God put inside of us goes stagnant if we do not share it regularly with others.
Tom Raines says
For sure and stagnant water has a stench:) Praying we let God flow through us with purity and love! Blessings!
Debbie says
I was really taken by that word “hoard” too . .. so praying not to hoard but give freely and frequently! God bless you and pour on you all the more!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb, I know you are not a hoarder because you give me and so many others so much. I pray for your perseverance in sharing God’s Word and the love in your heart!! Blessings and love!
Cindy says
When I read your touching prayer, Tom, asking forgiveness for hoarding God’s love, and His help to share the love and hope He’s poured into your heart, I remembered something I heard one time about the ONE difference between the Sea of Gallilee, filled with good/usable water, and the Dead Sea with it’s beautiful but dead/unusable water: the Sea of Gallilee has both an inlet AND an outlet for water. It both receives and gives, while the Dead Sea has only an inlet…receiving only but never giving. Maybe you’ve heard this before? Thanks for the awesome affirmation, meditation and prayer. God bless you and yours, Cindy
Tom Raines says
Thank you Cindy! I had NOT heard that before and thank you this great reminder. May God’s Spirit and His love flow through us!! God bless you today as you let your love flow!
Kimberly says
I don’t know why, but it still amazes me when someone writes in a similar vein to something I have been thinking of or have written. The reason I say I don’t know why is because why should it amaze me? Why should we be surprised when others have the same thoughts or ideas about God? I believe it is for our encouragement to hear our thoughts confirmed thru others. Thanks Tom for sharing another great post! I rejoice that his love has been poured into my heart!
Tom Raines says
Kimberly, I stand amazed and thankful too at how God, the creator of all things can be so intimately involved with our lives and use us to encourage each other! May His Word, His majesty, and His love continue to be poured upon us and may we pour ourselves into others. Thank you for confirming with me His love and grace. Blessings to you my friend.