Today’s Scripture: Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Psalm 51:12 ESV
My spirit is broken and this brings me joy. This may be contrary to our nature but it is the very nature of God. Our brokenness offered to God is where we find and experience His unchangeable and everlasting love.
We may feel guilty about what we know deep inside is wrong in our lives yet it is here we come to know God’s joy. Our thankful and repentant hearts are renewed and restored to joy.
Are you thankful for God’s unchangeable and everlasting love? Can you place your brokenness upon His alter?
Lay it down and be restored and renewed. God did not ask for our perfect sacrifices but our broken ones. We do have this to give, don’t we? Go ahead, give God your brokenness and experience His Joy.
What breaks your heart?
Today’s Prayer: Dear LORD, thank You for Your unchanging love. Thank You for accepting my brokenness as my sacrifice. Thank You for restoring and renewing my heart with joy. Your joy is complete with Your salvation. I sing Your praises Father and thank You for Your salvation. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
cycleguy says
Good thing he wants only my broken sacrifices. I have no perfect ones to give him.
katy says
Such a perfect statement!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Katy, blessings and joy to you today!
Tom Raines says
I am with you Bill! The joy of knowing God’s love is forever and He expects and desires us to give Him our broken pieces. Yep, there is joy and restoration there!! Praising with you Bill and praying for construction projects!!
Desiray says
Count it ALL JOy for the Joy of the Lord is our salvation…no matter how our circumstances look we still have joy…and His joy which He gives to us doesn’t change or take away that Joy….
Tom Raines says
Thanks Desiray! Endless joy and love does God give us in our salvation. Yes ALL is joy because of His everlasting and overwhelming love for us….Thank you for sharing this joy!! Blessings.
Debbie says
Thanks for this, Tom . . .so good to hear and know and to rejoice in, that my brokenness can be made new. What joy! God bless you!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb! So thankful! Blessings!
Caroline Gavin (@caroline_gavin) says
Glory, Glory! Yes, our Lord accepts lovingly our brokenness!
Thank you, Tom, for this wonderful message of encouragement!
Beloved Lord, I offer my broken, contrite heart to You;
I bask in the joy You give, joy everlasting and true.
How can You love me, as a wretched sinner only am I?
How can love me so, that for me You chose to die?
I cannot comprehend Your love nor its towering height;
Yet I rejoice in the Joy you give and in Your wondrous Light.
I love you with all that I am, Lord Jesus, broken as I may be;
I yearn to give You my all and to live with You for eternity!
Tom Raines says
Beautiful Caroline! I can not understand your awesome gift of putting words this way much less comprehend His love for us! So thankful he takes our brokenness and gives us this awesome joy. Blessings!