Today’s Scripture: When he saw them he said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed. Luke 17:14 ESV (all emphasis is mine)
“Jesus, Master, have mercy on us” was the cry of two lepers in the previous verse. Our scripture today was Jesus’ reply. Do you find it interesting that it doesn’t say Jesus healed them and THEN told them to go show themselves to the priests?
This passage says they were cleansed “as they went”. To be on their way they had to first GO. Do we wait to be healed and find mercy before we go? Is it possible that although we are not healed yet if we just go in the direction that Jesus, our Master tells us to go we will find cleansing and healing?
What holds us back from just going? Do we have faith? Is this why in Luke 17:5 it is so important that we cry out like the apostles “Lord, increase our faith”? In Luke 16:29-31 we are told we should be convinced by what we know in the Word. Are you convinced? If so, just go and see what cleansing comes along the way.
Today’s Prayer: Jesus, You are my Master and You only will I serve. Lord increase my faith and help be to be faithful in all things. God You know my heart and I ask you to help me preach the good news of Your kingdom. I do hear your prophets and am convinced by Your Word. Lord I repent of my failings and thank You for forgiving me and showing me mercy. Thank you for placing Your kingdom within me, I praise You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Dustin says
Two letters. So powerful. So moving.
Tom Raines says
I like that Dustin, moving! Have a great weekend!
bill (cycleguy) says
Lord increase my faith and help be to be faithful in all things. You have said it all right there.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Bill. Praying right now that your services go well this weekend and that the LORD increases the faith of those who receive your message!
Brandon says
I love this post. I don’t know if you listen to Kristian Stanfill or not, but he has a song called “Go”. It’s really great…highly recommend listening to it!
By the way, I just added you to my “links” page on my site. I love the ministry that you have here!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Brandon! I will go and see If I can find this song on You tube now. Thank you for linking with me and I look forward to watching your new blog develop as God would have it! Bleesings to you!