Today’s Scripture: And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good deeds of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. Titus 2:7 NLT Tyndale
So what are we teaching others anyway? As I read this scripture I had to ask myself that question. If I am teaching God then I should reflect God. In Titus 1:16 Paul tells us that we show the purity of our hearts not by what we claim with our mouths but how we live. Do we claim God by how we live?
Trust me, for a large part of my life I claimed God by what I said but I did not claim God by how I lived. Thanks to God’s Word He provides us wake up calls and helps us to check our current status. Our purity will be revealed won’t it? We are called, no; we were created to promote the kind of living that reflects God. The purity of our motives and our desires will be revealed or should I say reflected.
As we really love the Lord our God with all our hearts, our minds and our souls then we will reflect that. If we only act like we do or claim Him out of any other reason than love we will reflect something totally different. Jesus gave His life to free us. He gave it so we can just love Him and live a life of thanksgiving and love that creates a beautiful reflection.
Today’s Prayer: Father God I love You. I only seek You and trust that You will be reflected in me. Keep my heart pure. Fill me with Your Word and love so that I will teach Your joy and Your truth. Your truth in a life well lived and reflected. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Dustin says
Amen. Thanks for this Tom.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Dustin, sorry I have been out of pocket lately! I will coming over to your place soon…work has been pulling me out of town and out of sync!