Full of confidence to zero confidence in one second flat. We humans are amazingly fickle. Likely to change, no, guaranteed to change. The 14th chapter of Mark is a clear picture of this.
Even Jesus when He was living life in the flesh experienced this dichotomy. Jesus is God and He knew He came to die for our sins yet when the time was at hand He cried out to God in prayer with today’s affirmation in Mark 14:36
And He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup way from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.” (NIV)
Yes, all things are possible for God and may we be committed to trusting in His will. We must be very careful to not be too confident in our momentary “feelings”. In the moment we are so confident in ourselves. This too was shown in Mark 14. We all remember the story of Peter being full of confidence that he would NEVER stumble. Peter said to him, “Even if everyone else deserts you, I never will.” (Mark 14:29).
With all that was in him Peter had no doubt that he would ever deny or turn from Jesus. Of course, Jesus told him before the rooster crowed twice Peter would deny Him three times. Jesus was right.
I find it interesting too that just ten verses earlier Jesus had announced to the disciples that one of them would betray Him. It says EACH, which I assume includes this confident and brash Peter asked, IS IT I? One minute we have very little self confidence that we do not even trust ourselves and know we are fully capable of betraying God and the next minute have no doubt we never will!
Do you think this shocks God? I doubt it. God made us, He wired us. Actually in the 38th verse of this 14th chapter of Mark Jesus says as much. “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” (NIV)
Isn’t amazing how quick we can switch between the spirit and the flesh. I hate it but it is true. But God knows this and that is why we must turn to Him. If it was right for Jesus don’t you think it is right for us? Let’s not fool ourselves and always be mindful of our weaknesses. May we remain humble in our frailty. We are a fragile bunch that needs God to help us to walk in the spirit instead of the flesh. In the flesh we will betray Him BUT…the good news is Abba, our heavenly Father can do all things.
May we follow the example of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and go to God in prayer and cry out to Him that His will be done. Admitting that in ourselves we are powerless but through Him His will be accomplished in us.
How confident are you today in yourself? In God? Do you have any other thoughts about Mark 14?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Bill (cycleguy) says
Tom: as you already know we are on the same wave length this morning. (cue Twilight Zone music). 🙂 Seriously, I did pray for you this morning and know that God will reach someone with this message today.
tomraines says
Bill, the Spirit is using you in a mighty way this morning. As I read your words that you prayed for me I became overwhelmed with the Spirit. Man, this person of the Holy Spirit sure has filled me with tears of joy! Abba, Father thank you for my brother Bill and for the works you are doing through Him. Thank for hearing His prayers and confirming in my heart the power and might of Your Holy Spirit. God you are so Good to us. Please use us for Your kingdom and open the eyes and ears of those You intend to message. Christ’s Love to you Bill.
Donald Borsch Jr. says
“You make the road rise up to meet me
You make the sun shine warm upon my face
The wind is at my back and the rain falls soft
God I lift You high- You are my Abba”
Lyric excerpt from “Abba Father” by Rebecca St. James
Nice post, Tom. The central theme of The Scriptures and the ministry of Jesus is and always has been to point humanity back to God as our Father.
He is our Abba, indeed. How wonderful it is to be considered as children of the Most High!
Donald in Bethel, CT
Robin~ All Things Heart and Home says
“full of confidence to zero confidence in one second flat” that is me. I spend most of my time in the zero confidence realm so I’m thankful that, as you said, God isn’t shocked. He made me and knows my weaknesses. I so admire people who have loads of natural talents and abilities but one really good thing about being me…my confidence HAS to come from Christ in me…
Prayers for your week my friend…
tomraines says
Thank you Robin, it does HAVE to doesn’t it?We can rely on Him and find our confidence and our boldness in Him. Thanks for the prayers this week! I too will continue to lift you and yours up!