Today’s Affirmation: The Lord puts His Spirit upon me.
His Spirit totally changes everything. This Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that God has given to His prophets of old. The same Spirit that was upon Moses and those needed to help speak to the people. The same Spirit upon Jesus and His disciples.
This daily affirmation comes from Numbers 11:29 where Moses’ wished that the Spirit of the Lord would come upon all of the people. Moses wished that because, just as today, the people of Israel in the desert were complainers and whiners. Both God and Moses had about all they could take from this bunch in Chapter 11.
We are no different today. So quick to whine about what we do not have instead of looking to what we do have or where we are going. How do we change that perspective?
1. Prayer: In verse one God was angry because of all the complaining of the people and His anger even brought fire down on them. Moses prayed and the fire was quenched.
2. Beware of Cravings: In verse four the people “yielded to their cravings”. Craving what we don’t have or thinking about what others have. Contentment in what the Lord is giving at the moment should feed us.
3. Seek the Lord. In verse fourteen, Moses admits this burden is too heavy for Him. Admit it is beyond our power. Only God and His Spirit can change this situation.
4. Do what He tells you to do. In verses sixteen and seventeen, God tells Moses to gather the elders and He, God, would put the same Spirit upon them that He had placed upon Moses
5. Trust in Him. In verse 23 after Moses could not see how to accomplish the task is reminded that God will do it. He just asked us to faithful in our part not His. Do we suddenly think God is incapable and He needs us?
6. Witness the results. In verse 25 it says “and it happened”. He put His spirit on them and even a couple of people He chose outside of the obvious ones.
7. Be available. In verse 29 Moses wishes that all of God’s people would have the Spirit up them and be prophets.
Lord, please send Your Spirit upon me and rest upon me.
His Spirit changes everything. Are we available and trustworthy? Are we the whiners or the prophets? May we seek Him and His Spirit today.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations4Life
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