Today’s Scripture: A Prayer of David. Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. Psalm 86:1 ESV
What?? Our ego fights this statement doesn’t it?! For those looking for “positive affirmations” this, on the surface, does not feel right but please hang with me. This is DAVID making this statement; you know the confident young man that had taken down Goliath and later became King David.
God’s power is found in being poor and needy. In recovery, nothing starts until we admit we are powerless. When we admit we are powerless, poor and needy this is the beginning to having God’s power.
Yes, just like David in Psalm 86:16, God will give us HIS strength. If we will only give up the strength we think we have we will find the strength of the LORD. Seems like a no brainer; yet our fleshly brain and ego fights with every ounce to hold on. But like David, admitting we are poor and needy we find the help, comfort and strength of God.
Can you say it?
Today’s Prayer: LORD God, I am poor and needy. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I trade in all I have for Your love, Your peace and Your strength. Thank You LORD for giving us what is good. You alone are God and I give thanks to You O LORD with my whole heart. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.
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