Today’s Scripture: He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. Psalm 40:2 ESV
I praise God for His deliverance and for making my current and my future steps secure. I praise the LORD for the wondrous deeds He has done. Because He has delivered me so many times I know He is my deliverer today and always.
The LORD, my God has proven over and over that He hears me and will pull me up and set my feet upon His rock. From the pit of my alcoholism he replaced the drink that was in my mouth with praises for Him.
Like David here in Psalm 40 the LORD hears you and will fill your mouth with praise for our God. Confidently go into this day knowing that God is your deliverer so you may share with others His wondrous deeds for you so that they too can trust in Him.
Are you confident that God knows your steps and has secured them upon His rock? Will you sing His praises?
Today’s Prayer: Almighty LORD, thank You for hearing me and delivering me. My confidence and my praises are in You. I tell others of Your Greatness and trust they find hope and trust in You. You are our help and our deliverer and in You our steps are secure. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
I’ve always loved this Scripture. I get a visual of miry bog and Him helping me walk through “mess.” Thanks, Tom.
Thank you Julie! I love how scriptures meet us where we are! Blessings in His security.