Today’s Scripture: Ezekiel 17:24 NLT Tyndale: And all the trees will know that it is I, the LORD, who cuts down the tall tree and helps the short tree to grow tall. It is I who makes the green tree wither and gives new life to the dead tree. I, the LORD, have spoken! I will do what I have said.
Don’t you love hope?! No matter what we have done the LORD still wants us! Ezekiel 18:23 states: “Do you think, asks the Sovereign LORD, that I like to see wicked people die? Of course not! I only want them to turn from their wicked ways and live. NLT
Another affirmation for today is: The LORD wants me.
Yes, He does. No matter what we have done, He just wants us to turn away and turn to Him. He will give us new life. He will do what He said. How awesome is that?! We have hope in Him.
Today’s Prayer: Dear LORD, thank You for wanting me! I do want to turn from my wicked ways and live in and for You. I need Your power and Your strength to keep my heart, my mind and my soul turned to You. Of course, You made me and You know that so here I am; make me new and draw me near. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Debi says
Thank you Tom. I desperately need God to put life back into my dead tree. I am so glad the one who loves me completely and the one who gave his life for me is the one who gives new life. It is a place of rest knowing that you deserve nothing, not forgiveness, not kindness, not mercy, but that it is HIS character and His purpose. My tree has been pruned severely by His grace. I pray that what grows back will grow straight and true. I need an undivided heart.
Tom Raines says
Great to hear from you Debi, I have often wondered if you were still tuning in from time to time. I too am so thankful and glad that this is the nature of our LORD. Undeserved, freely given in love beyond our understanding but promised. He always keeps His Word. I join you in prayer for you and myself that He gives us an undivided heart. He is able and I pray we do our part in turning towards Him. Bless you and please don’t be a stranger!