Today’s Scripture: As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them just as on us at the beginning. Acts 11:15 ESV
The Holy Spirit led Peter to speak to the gentiles. This same Spirit leads us and completes us.
I can trust today that what I offer up to God His Spirit finishes. I trust that what conversation I begin here you will hear what it is He wants you to hear. As Peter began to speak the Holy Spirit fell on them. Did they even hear what Peter said or did they hear the Spirit?
Peter said he “remembered” the word of the Lord. Let us trust that the Spirit will take what we have and complete God’s purpose through us. He will fall on those we are to help; He will provide us the words to say.
The last verse in chapter eleven was about sending relief to their brothers in Judea in regards to a famine and we are told that they were encouraged to give what each person could. What each of has is enough. What little we have the Holy Spirit will use.
What do you have to give today?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, I trust Your Spirit. Please use what I give and complete Your purpose through Your Holy Spirit. I glorify and trust You to use my offering to complete Your will. May Your words and Your Spirit fall upon the hearts You intend so they too will offer up Your saving grace. Show me what I have to give and help me to give generously trusting in Your majesty. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Sometimes I have very little to give. sometimes I feel I have a lot. He reminds me in either case to give Him what I have and He will use it. Good word Tom.
Thanks Bill! How reassuring to know the power is not in what we give but in what the Spirit does!! He is the great multiplier. A little faithfulness can be supernaturally charged to be a life changer for all involved! We think we have little but God sees the mustard seed and makes giants!! Blessings!
Such a beautiful reflection! Thank you very much, Tom!
Sweet to know that our Savior completes and perfects that which we give!
Let us rejoice that our dear Lord uses what we have when in Him we do live!
Thank you for the refreshment I continually find here, Tom!
You are a blessing to me and to many!
Thank you Caroline, I truly appreciate your kind words and I too am thankful that God will use what we have!
It is so wonderful to know that the Lord is there to complete what we give!!!!
Thank you Cindy! With Him we have enough! He works miracles with what we have and give!
Reflecting on your question for today, but also this weekend…spent at the wake/home-going of a loved one, I am really trying to give the Good News by giving my time, my attention, my love, my self with the person I with in the moment in word…in deed. Thank You Jesus; You are the Author and Finisher. Thanks for the post and the Word! Cindy
Cindy, the greatest gift we have to give is the love we have been given, huh? I am praying for you and all those hurting in the loss of your loved one this weekend. I am thankful you were able to give away the love you have in your heart. We will trust Him to magnify our gift and provide what is needed to those in need. Love to you! Thanks!