Today’s Scripture: Acts 17:11 And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. 12 As a result, many Jews believed, as did many of the prominent Greek women and men.
What are the reasons and the benefits of reading the Scriptures? Here in Acts 17 the Bereans read their scriptures to see if Paul had his facts straight. You see, Paul was proclaiming that Jesus fulfilled the prophesies in their Scriptures. In their searching they found Jesus.
So do we. Do we read to find proof? Do we read to find Jesus? Do we read at all? Like the Bereans as I have searched the Scriptures day after day I believe like never before. There is reading and then there is searching, isn’t there? I have read the scriptures before but my heart was only seeking answers to certain questions or completing an assignment. Searching for Jesus I have found him and removed all doubt.
The searching for these affirmations has changed my heart. Jesus is found in the searching and not in the affirmations themselves. God and His Holy Spirit touch us in supernatural ways as we search.** Do you believe? Have you removed all doubt? Search the scriptures day by day; search for Jesus and the results and the joy are amazing. Have you found Jesus in your searching?
Today’s Prayer: Almighty Father thank You for Your Scriptures. Thank You for the life Your words bring to my spirit. Your words and Your Holy Spirit come alive and produce my belief and my joy. You overwhelm me with Your greatness and I thank You for Your faithfulness. It is my prayer that others find this joy and fully believe by seeking after Jesus and reading Your word day after day. Amen
**Ok, today I feel I must share an example of how God works to remove all doubt from me for those who don’t mind reading on. For three days now I have come back to Acts 17 knowing I wanted to write on this reading of scriptures day after day. The Spirit guided me to other verses the past two days. Yesterday after writing, I got up and found a text message on my phone.
Mind you, this message came from an unrecognized number and said: “Daily reading from the bible will keep you in range of God’s voice:)make it a great day 🙂. I knew then that God had just used this unknown person to confirm His message that searching the Scriptures day after day makes us believe. But do you see here how supernaturally He can work? I subsequently figured out that my friend Eric sent me that text. Eric has NEVER sent me a text nor even called me before. For two days God brought me back to this verse which is a first for me in this Affirmation journey. Yet, he made it clear as to what message He intended and when He wanted it. Trust me. Going to His word daily and searching has filled my heart with a joy I never knew. Searching His Word daily has revealed the Holy Spirit to me. If you struggle with belief, Keep searching as God will bring people and messages into your spirit where you fully believe. Yes, as Eric said it keeps you in the range of God’s voice. Do you hear it? Bless you.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
bill (cycleguy) says
Great thoughts but the afterthought thrilled my soul Tom. To hear that you kept going back to this chapter and then to hear of Eric’s text. WOW! What a heart for hearing from God.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Bill, God is so great and so faithful! May we get His messages today!
Kimberly says
God confirms His Word with His Word and through other people. He can use anyone or any event to validate what He has spoken to us. Wonderful read Tom!
Tom Raines says
Yes, God does validate and speak Kimberly. Thank you!!
Donald Borsch Jr says
Wonderfully intimate and powerful truth today! Thank you!
You said:
“Jesus is found in the searching and not in the affirmations themselves.”
My spirit and intellect both testify to this! I recently said:
“Willingness does not require a huge blessing to validate it, or justify it, or give it credibility as an attitude of the heart. It is its own reward, truly.”
Te search.. the willingness to search… it all ties in together. They are not ends unto themselves, but avenues to a deeper humility and obedience to our Father far removed from seeking rewards or His favor. We do what we do because we are Father-pleasers.
Nicely said, Tom. Truly an encouragement!
Tom Raines says
Thanks Donald, I just hope that we can relay the joy we find in the searching so others too can find this overwhelming joy that only the Father can provide. LORD help us to show your love and help us to reveal your majesty in the gifts You have given us! Love you Donald and so appreciate your ministry!
Cindy says
It wasn’t very long after that day by the side of my bed, on my knees, crying out to God, literally, and in barely understandable or audible words…that Holy Spirit led me to Jeremiah 29:13 (Amp)…”Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” To me, He was confirming and assuring me of His love for me…showing me His fidelity and His faithfulness, even when I had shown NONE of those to or for Him! I am so thankful to Him. Psalm 106:1 (Msg)…”Hallelujah! Thank God! And why? Because he’s good, because his love lasts. But who on earth can do it—declaim God’s mighty acts, broadcast all his praises? You’re one happy man when you do what’s right, one happy woman when you form the habit of justice.” That’s what came to mind when I read your reply to Donald! Thanks, again, Tom for all you do! I am BLESSED by “Affirmations of God” Glory to God! Cindy
Tom Raines says
Beautiful Cindy! I sing Hallelujah with you as you are so right, who can declaim what He has done in our lives. We have to get to that place of brokeness don’t we? I don’t know if all have to but like you, when I was broken, “on my knees and crying out to God, literally…the Holy Spirit began to lead me” I am blessed by you Cindy and thankful when you can share. Glory to God for your testimony and may it give hope to others as it does me. Blessings and wonder to you my sister.
Chris Rubio says
What if the Holy Spirit has NOT confirmed the truth of Jesus and His ministry? What then? I believe in God but it takes His Holy Spirit to DO ANYTHING. What do you say to the converted BUT not convinced?
Tom Raines says
Thanks Chris, all I can share is what I have seen and heard that has convinced me. In my life I have seen and experienced that the Holy Spirit has confirmed the truth of Jesus and His ministry through the Holy Scriptures. The only thing I can say to the unconvinced is to seek the truth. Kneel before your God, pray through the Holy Spirit and read the Holy Scriptures that He has given us. Seek the truth with all your heart and mind and soul and see what happens. God searches the hearts of those who seek.
There was a time in my life when I didn’t have confirmation but yet, I didn’t truly seek either. I am not a debator but one who believes I have experienced this convincing by seeking diligently and He removed all doubt. I can not but He can…happy hunting.
Chris Rubio says
Thank you Mr. Raines. I will do what you suggested as well as what Jesus told his Disciples in Luke 24:49, and “tarry”…”until ye(I) be endued with power from on high”. God bless you
Chris Rubio says
I apologize if I am putting you on the spot, but this is a question I have and have not found or been taught and adequate answer for:
I have a Problem with the lineage of Jesus to David in Matthew, specifically 1:16 as the Holy Spirit is supposed to have been the “Father” according to 4 verses later in 1:20. Do you see my issue?
Chris Rubio says
As well, being pregnant by someone other than her husband in a crime punishable by death by God’s law. How does one reconcile this as well?
Tom Raines says
Chris, maybe this is simplfied but I am simple. Sorry for delay I have been out of town. When I admitted I was an alchoholic and I realized that not only was I powerlessover my addictions I didn’t even “understand” ME. IF, this God spoke the world into being and is who He says He is, COULD I UNDERSTAND HIM? The miracles He speaks into my life makes me live currently and intimately with Him. Creation, lineages, the Law, the miracles, the resurrection, the Holy Spirit are ALL beyond my comprehension. I have found that if I lean on my own understanding and if I only lived by what I understood, I wouldn’t even drive a car or type this reply. When I kneel and praise Him and just tell Him I don’t understand, He has a way of showing me in His Word and through others what I need to know. The joy I have in my heart and the peace I feel in knowing He knows all makes the details non critical to me. I am filled with His love despite not having the capacity to know all the details. Keep asking HIM to reveal His questions just like you have me and HE is faithful. You will love His Love and His all surpassing knowledge.