Today’s Scripture: The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” Luke 17:5 ESV
The apostles living and walking with Jesus knew they didn’t have the faith He required. We don’t either. The Good News of Jesus Christ is that He is the author and finisher of our faith and He will increase our faith if we ask.
I laughed yesterday when sis Caddo commented on my blog about the light of God in us and spoke of how God can take only a flicker of light in us and turn it into a blinding light. Here Jesus says we just need to have the tiniest bit of faith as small as a mustard seed and HE will turn into a BIG, HUGE, illogical Faith (that’s for you sis!).
Let us keep going to Him like the woman to the judge in the following chapter. We must remain humble and realize, like the apostles, we need the Lord to increase our faith.
Have you asked the LORD to increase your faith?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, increase my faith. I thank You for the faith and healing You have already given me. LORD, increase my faith and forgive me for when I cling to my understanding or look back and consider things of this world. Prepare me, fill me to do Your will and keep my eyes towards You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Julie Garmon says
Asking Him right now to increase my faith. No more doubting Thomas!
Tom Raines says
Praise the LORD Julie and I am joining you and asking Him to increase your faith. Will you ask Him for me too? Blessings and abundant faith to you my friend and mentor:)
Desiray says
I remember asking God to increase my faith and what happen was I had more problems but that was a good thing because one can’t have faith if they don’t go through nothing..AMEN
Tom Raines says
Thanks Desiray and it reminds me of the line in the Serenity Prayer: accepting hardships as the pathway to peace…He His leading us and will give us the faith to continue on and through those obstacles in our paths. All is possible with Him. Lord increase our faith in that fact:) Blessings and faith!
cycleguy says
One of my favorite passages of Scripture is where the father says to Jesus, “I believe. Help my unbelief.” I have to pray that sometimes.
Tom Raines says
Bill that is one of my favorites too! I certainly am thankful for that one. Thanks for sharing!
Caddo Veil says
Dearest brother Tom–you have no idea how you’ve blessed me today! I’m a little weepy, but laughing too–because I’m so glad I can make you, and others, laugh as we walk out this faith journey together. HE is just So GOOD, faithful to meet us at our point of need ALWAYS–and I believe He loves to see us laugh: “the joy of the Lord is my strength”. God bless you BIG today–love, sis Caddo Delight
Tom Raines says
sis, Why does God and His word continue to surprise me? How separate conversations and thoughts can supernaturally, ummm superspiritually (new word!) match up. I go to rewrite a two year old blog and how did God know sis Caddo was gonna blind me the day before so I could see…now get your spiritual arms around!! BIG Blessings and much JOY.
Caddo Veil says
Aww, we’re just havin’ way too much fun with Jesus, aren’t we?!! My prayer is that the whole world could see the way it’s supposed to be–JOY in being His, serving Him, living this Jesus Life. If we could bottle it, we’d make a fortune I ‘spect!
Tom Raines says
Amen sis! I say all the time that the JOY I have found in Jesus and this process is what I want to share. I do not think the affirmations themselves are of importance it is the joy and amazement of how the Holy Spirit brings God’s Word to life is beyond huge. I do wish we could bottle it and pass it all around and sing praises to the source of joy! Way to much fun for sure!!!
Debi says
Here’s the deal. I think that God has already given me “a measure of faith”. I might even have that as a gift. I tend to “back off” from it and not walk in it due to other’s impressions that I am being unrealistic. It isn’t unrealistic to ACCEPT that God is good – that he is working in my life to will and to do according to his GOOD PLEASURE. I remember once moaning to God that because of my divorce, “I had ruined my kid’s lives” I bemoaned this a lot. God finally told me to please STOP IT – that I was having more faith in Satan and myself than in HIM. I’m not a name it and claim it – if I was I’d be really skinny – never lose my keys- and maybe not have as many relational issues. But for me – I just have to “walk in what I have already obtained.” and not be ashamed to actually HAVE FAITH. Sometimes it seems like we honor “moaning” a little more than honoring GOD IS WORKING THINGS OUT – in spite of what it may look like. NOT because of me OR MY FAITH – but because that is who HE IS. The is the blessed controller of all things. My favoriet prayer is “Thy WILL BE DONE – THY KINGDOM COME ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.” I want whatever His will is in heaven – to happen down here – for me – for my kids- for my friends- It’s a SAFE PRAYER – and since He says that if we pray according to HIS WILL we will receive what WE ASK – I’m going to believe that He will BRING HIS WILL to pass. Except not that I write this I realize AGAIN – how long it has been since I have specifically prayed this over the lives of those I care about….dang imperfection:)
Tom Raines says
Great to hear from you Debi, it has been a while! Saw your name on the subscriber list the other day and wondered how you were and if you were still out there. I pray you are well. You make a good point that God has given us all the faith we need. You also make a good point that although we have faith we have areas we hang on to. It is us who have things we hold onto due to a measure of lack of faith. In these moments we can be like the apostles speaking to Jesus. Lord, increase our faith. We can walk in what we have and know He offers even more than we can comprehend. I pray through the Lord’s model of prayer too almost daily and truly seek His will now. We can certainly trust and have faith that His will will come to pass. Thank God He perfects us in our imperfections. Please don’t be a stranger!
Debby Maciorowski says
I pray for Him to increase my faith more and more each day. Sometimes I think I have a lot of faith but then He does something in my heart to increase my faith to the next level. I can’t explain what my heart actually feels when this happens all I know is when God gives a promise He will do what He said He would do. It doesn’t matter whether I see it on Earth or in Heaven I know it will be done. Like Debi some think I am unrealistic in my faith but I know in my heart of hearts that God is faithful to His people. Thanks, Tom for this post is raises my faith more and more. God Bless!
Tom Raines says
So awesome Debby, I just had this conversation with a friend this morning. We can hold onto the faith because we know God and know we can trust Him with all of our heart. The fact that some think we are unrealistic is an attack we can turn away from and know in our heart we can trust completely who God is and what He has promised to us. I am thankful for you and for God using His Word to embolden and raise our faith more and more. Also in the assurance when we feel we need it to ask Him to increase our faith. Blessings to you as your faith continues to honor Him!
Debbie says
I’m late to the faith party, but thankful for you writing about this! I forget to pray for more faith .. .though I clearly need it! Thanks so much for reminding us it’s okay to ask for more! It reminds me of when my dear older neighbor lady asked me what I was going to do about my daughter with special needs. She said, ‘wouldn’t she be better in a place with others like her?’ She was truly concerned about Aubrey and about me. I shared with her that I believed God would make a way for us. She kind of rolled her eyes a little .. not disrespectfully . ..but because I’m sure it sounded pretty much like I don’t have a clue or a plan! haha! It made me consider it all with God after that, as I felt pretty silly .. .not having all the answers, giving such a simple response. But He encouraged me that that was what faith was about . ..believing He is going to make a way. And He is and does! God bless you, Tom, and increase your faith today … .BIG!
Tom Raines says
Deb, you are never too late here:) Thank you for sharing your personal testimony of faith with us. I am grateful to be seen as “silly” for my faith. Especially from a world that seeks faith in the seen. May we keep our eyes and our faith fixed on the unseen. Love and faith to you my sister!