Today’s Scripture: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. 2 Timothy 4:7 NLT Tyndale
As I read these words Paul wrote to Timothy I was reminded that to finish a race we must be in it. At what stage of the race are you?
Over the past few weeks I have witnessed and even run with a friend who is training for a marathon. He calls me several weeks ahead with the day we will run together and what time I can run with him. He has planned this out or he is following someone’s plan. We have a plan too. In 2 Timothy we are told that all scripture is inspired by God and prepares us for every good thing God wants us to do.
It has been almost four years since I felt God tell me that every affirmation I would ever need would be found in His word. I believe that more today than then and know that today I am in a race, I am in a fight and I, like Paul want to remain faithful. What part of the race are you in? The race is on my friend. The good news is we have the plan and the prize we are striving for is not only for us but all we race with and for.
Today’s Prayer: Thank You LORD for Your Word. You feed me and guide me with all that I need. You have prepared the way and You have fully equipped me for every good thing You want me to do. Please continue to remind me that I am fighting, I am racing not only for me but for the prize that many others will win. Help me to be faithful. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Kimberly says
Just like your friend who is training for the marathon, we all need others to keep us accountable. Pressing toward that mark along with you Tom!
“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Tom Raines says
Love it! Thanks Kimberly, you are so right! Pressing on together is encouraging and uplifting and how He designed us! Thanks for another great scripture!!