Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 2:1 ESV: My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you,
I pray we walk these first five verses of Proverbs 2 together. Please share with me what God speaks into your heart. With the promise of understanding the fear of the LORD and the knowledge of God at the end of these verses isn’t it worth spending several days digging in a bit?
When we treasure rather than resent God’s commandments then we know our hearts are turned towards Him. Have you ever felt guilt and rebellion well inside of yourself when you realized you could not keep His Ten Commandments? We are no different today than those people in the desert that caused Moses’ anger to throw down and break those original tablets written by God.
We typically don’t like rebuke and correction but we learn to treasure them when we realize God shared these commandments for us for our good. God loves us and he created us to be in love with Him. When we treasure over all else His guidance we do not feel guilt but we feel deep appreciation and love for His commandments and His guiding light.
When we treasure something we hold it close don’t we? When we treasure a love or a friendship doesn’t that touch us deep within our souls? The KJV says we are to “hide” them within us. I pray we treasure God’s commandments, His guidance and feel His desire to protect us.
What does treasuring something feel like to you?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, I want Your will to be my will. Thank You for Your commandments, Your Wisdom, Your love, and Your salvation. Show me Your ways O LORD. Guide me with Your Word and Your Spirit like a guiding light. Please make Your desires my desires. LORD I treasure Your commandments and Your love. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
jelillie says
Thanks Tom! As I was thinking of your question the words of Paul came to mind “Guard what has been entrusted to you.” That is a picture of treasuring something! If we treasure it we guard it!
Tom Raines says
Great point jelillie, thanks for the example! Depending on the value of the treasure we will guard it at all costs, won’t we?!
Allen Robertson says
What I treasure Tom, most of all is that He loves me regardless, even though I act like a small child sometimes wanting things that are just going to hurt me, He loves me enough to speak to me, guide me, correct me. Because I have children I am now realizing that His love for me is boundless, I treasure this.. He’s the Dad of all Dad’s and I will guard this the rest of my life.
Tom Raines says
Amen and well stated my friend. Our own fleshly fatherhood certainly gives us a glimpse of the love of God. We will never comprehend the width and depth of His love for us. The richest of all treasures! Thanks buddy!
sheryl mchugh says
Where would we be without our dear father God’s guidance? I KNOW I’d be completely lost!! Thanks for shining the light on Him for us today Tom 🙂
Tom Raines says
Amen, thanks sis!
Kimberly says
Just reading through your blog and knowing how good our Father is that He speaks the same messages to us individually. This is right in line with what I’ve been studying this week. Praise God for revealing His Word to us!
Tom Raines says
Praise Him indeed!!