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Today’s Scripture: I will praise you, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will show forth all your marvelous works. Psalm 9:1 NKJ
David shares with us the importance of praising the LORD with our whole heart and SHOWING HIS marvelous works to others. Reading several translations of God’s word today I see praise and giving thanks with our whole hearts as well as recounting, telling and showing His marvelous works.
We are to tell and more importantly show His marvelous works, His wonders, His deeds; reminding others of what the LORD has done. Do we show we have found joy in the Most High?
Will others know our rejoicing is in what the LORD has done? Even in David’s time he says the nations have sunk into a pit they have made with their own hands. Sound familiar?
Do you think if we praised the LORD more with our whole heart and shared how He saved us others may come to know His salvation? Telling of His marvelous works instead of telling them what to do?
Today’s Prayer: I praise You LORD Most High with my whole heart. Help me to recount and show Your marvelous works. LORD help me to live my joy and to sing Your praises so others may remember it is You who does marvelous and wonderful things. You are our stronghold in times of trouble and the source of our joy. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
“Do you think if we praised the LORD more with our whole heart and shared how He saved us others may come to know His salvation? Telling of His marvelous works instead of telling them what to do?”
That says it all! Thanks, Brother.
Thank you John. Praying we can leave our egos at the cross and focus on praising Him and His works. I trust in Him to judge and convert. We can show what He has done in us. That seed we can plant for His harvest. Blessings my brother.
I loved the part about telling of His wonderful work instead of telling them what to do! 🙂 My first pastor told us that he wasn’t going to tell us what to do, but just asked that we ask ourselves a question . .if what we were doing was drawing us closer to God or not. oops .. this is kind of off topic, but thank you and God bless you!
God is so good and sharing HIs Wisdom and Word is NEVER off topic!! Interesting, you will see that you wrote this yesterday about drawing closer and you will see you were just ahead of me….today says that we are being drawn into His presence…Wow, God is soooooo Good and I thank you for showing us:)