Today’s Scripture: Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a faithful messenger to those who send him; he refreshes the soul of his masters. Proverbs 25:13 ESV
The Spirit guides us to refresh others. Like a fresh cool breeze, God’s Spirit will use us. We are His faithful messengers.
What is our message? The love, grace, hope and joy we have been given by God. We can offer what we have been given to refresh and revive souls.
We can give others what they need. We have been given the food and water for the hungry and thirsty.
I pray to be God’s faithful messenger today. Can you think of someone right now you can refresh? God will use you to revive their soul with everlasting refreshment.
Today’s Prayer: Almighty God, thank You for refreshing my soul. Help me to be faithful to carry Your message to those You intend for me to refresh. Impress upon my spirit Your Spirit. Use me to refresh and revive the souls of others. What You have fed me I now offer as refreshment to others. In Your Spirit I trust. Amen.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
jelillie says
Thanks Tom! I just came from prayer. While there I wrote a bunch of names on the palm of my hand. Now I know what to do with them! 🙂
Tom Raines says
Isn’t God awesome?!! I pray you are a source of God’s refreshment to those held lovingly in the palm of your hand!
Caroline Gavin says
Ah, refreshment indeed is this message!
Thank you, Tom, for the encouragement to drink deep of the Living Water that we may then offer refreshment and revival to others!
May God bless you for the refreshing words of Scriptural affirmation you continually share!
Tom Raines says
You are too kind, and refreshing, Caroline! I too pray blessings upon you and your ministry.
Caroline Gavin says
Tom, thank you again! You also are so kind and refreshing to me…and to many!
May God’s blessings continue to refresh and revive you, dear brother in Christ!!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Caroline, I truly appreciate your blessings and your gifts. May God continue to refresh and revive through us. I pray the refreshing breath of the Holy Spirit blows through us to those in need. Blessings my sister!
bill (cycleguy) says
This is a prayer of mine tom, although not voiced out loud all the time. Let me be a blessing to someone else. Let my words bring hope, grace & refreshment to another traveler, especially one who needs them at that point.
Tom Raines says
Bill, your prayers have been answered. Your dedication, your example and your heart educates, challenges, encourages and certainly refreshes many. I am humbled you even have time to drop by here. You have developed quite a following and see your comments daily have really taken off. I have been out of pocket but still try to catch up when I can. Blessings my friend!
Robin says
to comfort others with the comfort we’ve received…this is the essence of a high calling. How many times has God sent someone to me that has just the right words to lift me up? You have been that person on occasion Tom. This affirmation reminds me anew to be aware of the Holy Spirit’s nudges. Wonderful encouragement~
Tom Raines says
Robin, you know you are a very special person. You do refresh so many but I think your real strength and gift is to allow people to know when it is ok to say I need some refreshment. It is amazing how God refreshes and how he can use each of us for His purpose. We can be the one to help build up, help encourage, help love, help heal, help. Yet, it is perfectly awesome to turn to our brothers and sisters and say…please help me. I need reviving. Blessings and love!