Today’s Scripture: And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30 ESV
ALL; how can three letters encompass so much? Jesus is telling us the greatest commandment. Love our LORD with ALL of our hearts, ALL of our souls, ALL of our minds and ALL of our strength.
Is that all that is needed? Here in Mark 12 Jesus tells us it is most important to love God and love others. Why do we try to add technicalities to this? Like the Pharisees of years ago, human nature is still trying to add to this with man made rules and traps. Why do we complicate what God has made simple?
Like the widow who gave out her poverty at the end of this chapter may we realize our poverty of love. Let’s give God the little love that we have and see what He does with it. Give Him all we have. Turning away from all the attempts to debate and just love. That’s all.
Do you spend more time trying to understand God’s mysteries or giving Him your all?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, I praise You and love You. I give You all that I am and have. I can love in abundance because of my poverty of love. You are my love and I offer up all of my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength to You. I have little but know You have all. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Meg says
Thank you for these good thoughts, Tom. I do come here every day for your affirmations. I appreciate you.
Tom Raines says
Meg, so GREAT to hear from you and to know you still out there. You have blessed me this morning with your affirmation of appreciation. I do appreciate your presence and pray now blessings and love upon you!
Tom Raines says
Interesting Meg, I looked at the subscriber list and you were the fourth person to subscribe to Affirmations of God and you have been with me for over two years…I am blessed by your faithfulness! Thank you!
Caroline Gavin (@caroline_gavin) says
Always blessed and refreshed in reading your Scriptural Affirmations, Tom!
May God continue to bless your heart for Him, my dear brother in Christ!
Lord Jesus, I love You with all my mind, heart and soul;
Though nothing I am, You make me wondrously whole.
Surely I love You, yea, more than my own very life;
I shall sing Your praises through both joy and strife.
All my life to You, my Beloved, I do humbly give;
No greater joy is there to love You and for You to live!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Caroline and you bless my heart with your powerful ryhmes! You have life in your words to Him! Blessings my sister!
Caroline Gavin (@caroline_gavin) says
Heartfelt thanks to you, Tom! Your words are music to my ears…and heart! Thank you for your encouragement and for your unwavering commitment to the Lord and His Kingdom! Abundant blessings always, my dear brother!
Tom Raines says
And heartfelt blessings in return Caroline! Blessings and thanksgiving!
cycleguy says
Well said tom. seems like we were on the same wave length today. 🙂
Tom Raines says
Yes, Bill, I thought the same thing! God is Great!! His Word and His love will be proclaimed! So thankful we can do it together!!
Debbie says
This was so comforting to me today and encouraging! What more do we have to do if we are giving Him our all? God bless you as you affirm His truth to us each day!
Tom Raines says
Deb, I am thankful for His encouragment! God bless you as well!
jelillie says
Wow some good points here Tom! I love how you say it ” I can love in abundance because of my poverty of love!” Even much for us is little to God!
Tom Raines says
Thanks jelillie! When it is Him and not us…there is abundance and miracles! Thanks for stopping by!
Cindy says
Great question: why do we complicate what God has made simple? Thank you Tom! The song, “He Wants it All” by Forever Jones came to me when I read this affirmation, and am listening to it right now. 1 John 4:19 rises up as well. Ah, Abba Father. I love You, help me, every day, every minute, every second, love You more! .
Tom Raines says
Thank you Cindy! I am going to listen to the song again too! Blessings!