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Today’s Scripture: But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'” Matthew 4:4 ESV
I have certainly found life in the Word of God but have quite a way to go to live on every word. The Spirit is helping me and leading me but I am yet to be up to the challenge of evil and myself.
As the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness He is leading us. As Jesus fasted for forty days and nights we are also being prepared. The tempter showed up when Jesus was at his weakest and yet the word of God saved Him when His flesh was reduced.
I pray to be prepared by every word of God. I am yet to be up to the challenge. I still fail when I am at my best. I trust the leading of the Spirit and I will follow Jesus and continue to grow in maturity to past the test. Then I will be living!
Are you equipping yourself with the Word of God?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for Your Spirit and for Your Word. Forgive me for my weakness and my sins. Help me to grow and live on Your every word. Prepare me against the tempter. Strengthen me with Your Word to past the test. You and Your Word are my life. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Cindy says
“Father God, thank You for Your Spirit and for Your Word. Forgive me for my weakness and my sins. Help me to grow and live on Your every word. Prepare me against the tempter. Strengthen me with Your Word to past the test. You and Your Word are my life. Amen” A….MEN! Thank you brother for lifting up high the Word of God! AMEN again! You and yours are in my prayers, Cindy
Tom Raines says
Thank you for praying with me Cindy! What a blessing! Praying now for you and yours and for the Spirit to continue to lead you and to write His words upon your heart. Many blessings and prayers!
Cindy says
Still meditating THIS affirmation Tom! Maybe it’s because of where I am in my life/circumstances or where I’m at in my journey with my Lord and Savior, Jesus. I was in Chapter 17 of Deuteronomy yesterday afternoon. Many things touched me but THIS part especially: the FIRST thing Israel’s king is to do when he takes his throne is borrow a copy of God’s Word from the priest, and copy it word for word himself, keeping it with him at all times and reading it every day! Whew! My own life experience this last year has shown me how important it is to be in the Word of God….seeking Him in prayer. My enemy/the tempter comes, as he always does, but being weak from no “food” i.e. The Word and prayer, so I could HEAR HOLY SPIRIT, I found myself (slowly but none-the-less surely) returning to that which formerly enslaved me. What’s interesting? That is ANOTHER thing God warned the king NOT to do in 17 Deuteronomy: return to Egypt, where they were slaves, and from which HE brought them out. WOW! Thank you for letting me share…even if it did take up quite a bit of your space here! May I share one more thing? It’s a song (in Hebrew, but I will put the translation here) which resonated with my past without Jesus, the Word of God, Holy Spirit guiding me, versus now. Thank YOU LORD for calling me out of darkness and into your incredible Light! And hank you Tom for all you do in preaching the Word! God bless, Cindy “On many paths, I have walked. To search for truth. I did not hesitate to feast on the delicacy of sin. We did not find ourselves, the lies have no more taste. This culture is not for us, for there is fire in our hearts. For I am the smallest and lowest of all, standing here trembling and amazed. And I am small, the last of the people, standing here excited, very excited… For You are holy, And Your name is holy, Holy ones praise You all day, amen.”
Tom Raines says
Cindy, this space is ALWAYS open to what the Word of God is sharing in your heart. How powerful a lesson that we are to stay in God’s Word and NOT return to where He has delivered us from. I so needed to hear that too. God is so awesome and I pray he will use our excitement from the revelations to us that we can not stop from pleading and challenging others to read His Word daily and see if he does not deliver and speak. Thank you so very much for sharing this and I am going to check out the song on you tube. Blessings!
roberttyler says
Thank you for your words this morning, it was like a Grand Slam Home Run for me. Thank you..
Tom Raines says
Thanks brother Bobby. Been thinking about you. I would like to marry some of these affirmations to some of your beautiful pictures….will have to get together and see how that works…Blessings!
Debbie says
This is so good, Tom. You have me thinking now about how He is preparing us to stand the test, to live by His Word. God bless you and all that He keeps bringing to you!
Tom Raines says
God bless you Deb and for your encouraging and confirming words. Praying our hearts are being prepared!