Today’s Scripture: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 1 Peter 1:3 NIV
Hope bound with faith brings our hope to life. Hope with faith that God is at work is a living hope. We know God’s promises are true; He loves us and He has plans for us.
Trusting that God has created us for His purposes allows us to know and hope in His works. We can expectantly look for His presence and His miracles. Hoping in Him brings hope alive.
Turning our hopes over to God gives us joy and peace. The Holy Spirit gives us confidence in what Jesus Christ did for us and in God’s plans for us. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead works in us. In this Power our hopes live.
Are your hopes alive in Christ?
Today’s Prayer: LORD God my hopes are alive in You. I thank You for the saving grace of Jesus and for the filling of Your Holy Spirit that gives life to the hopes You have given me. All of my hope is in You. Fill me with Your hope and the desires of Your heart. In You I live. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
He’s the Only One we can trust…even when it looks hard we can’t give up on our trust and faith in Him. He will never leave nor forsake us..He is true to His words.
Amen Desiray! All of our hope is in Him! He is true!! I was praying for you last Thursday as I knew you would be heading to the park! Sorry I haven’t been responding to your posts lately…just an extremely busy season for me now and do my best to be faithful here to write what He gives me but have been limited in time to go elsewhere. My prayers are with you! Thank you for stopping by and sharing!
Thank you Tom I appreciate the prayers believe me..yes Thursday at the Park was great I spoke with a woman who told me she was a Lesbian and I knew the moment she told me it was the Lord telling me forget the lesson you prepared and talk to her one on one. We talked for an hour and a half and she asked me all kinds of questions. Than just like satan he spoke and said don’t test me with scripture and immediately I rebuke him and continue to talk to her. After much talking and listening to her we finally got the truth as to why she is involved with a woman. I told her about the Love of God and how He loves her but not the sin she is doing…You can read it on my site I posted it there. I am believing salvation for her many seeds was planted, she was running from God because she was mad at God. and I had to show her that God still loved her regardless of how mad we may get. I enjoyed it I also told her when she accepts Him into her heart to tell me all about it because I want to hear her testimony. Because she is going to be delivered. Right now she’s scared..but God is faithful..AMEN
And that is okay I know you are busy with so many things but you took time to pray for me and post when you can. God honors our efforts amen…
Praise the LORD Desiray for filling You with His Spirit to go out and make disciples. Hearing your testimony of sharing God’s love emboldens me and others to do the same. I am praying for this lady as well and look forward to catching up with the story on your page. Blessings, perserance and hope as you answer the call!
This is such a blessing, Tom! Thank you! It reminds me of an older song by Third Day . . .I’ll see if I can find it! God bless you!
Thanks Deb for responding and sharing this powerful song. I love how scripture brings music to life and vice versa:) Blessings!
“The same power that raised Jesus from the dead works in us. In this Power our hopes live. ” Yes it does! What a powerful living hope we have. Because of it I refuse to be discouraged even when life brings its greatest challenges! Thanks Tom!
Thanks jelillie! There is always hope in Him over life! Blessings!