Today’s Scripture: Nehemiah 12:24 NIV: And the leaders of the Levites were Hashabiah, Sherebiah, Jeshua son of Kadmiel, and their associates, who stood opposite them to give praise and thanksgiving, one section responding to the other, as prescribed by David the man of God.
Like these leaders here in Nehemiah, I stand and give praise and thanksgiving watch by watch. This is the responsibility I welcome. All I desire is to be obedient in giving praise and thanksgiving.
It is interesting to me the “jobs” or responsibilities that are listed in this chapter. What a dream vocation to stand and give praise and thanksgivings all day and night. I praise God for calling me and I am thankful for the endless giving of His Word.
God and His Word are abundant. We can give our praise and thanksgivings to others so they too will overflow with thanksgiving and glory to God and be strengthened and encouraged to do what they are called to do.
When we are all brought together to stand with God and others we are able to rejoice with great joy that was experienced here in these verses.
What are you called to give?
Today’s Prayer: LORD God I praise You and I offer You my offering of thanksgiving. Thank You for the riches of Your Word. With thanksgiving I come to You and You fill me with more and more thanksgiving. LORD help me to give away Your thanksgivings so that others may overflow to Your glory. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God.
joseph elon lillie says
Each man’s sacrifice of praise is different. The price is always high by our estimation but the payment is far less than the return on investment.
Tom Raines says
So true Joseph, great insights. Thank you! Blessings in your praise.