Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 2:4 NASB: If you seek her as silver And search for her as for hidden treasures;
Can you picture the treasure maps of the movies? Landmarks and clues guide you to the hidden treasure. There is excitement and anticipation as you find the next clue isn’t there? We are on the last step here in verse four to our treasure.
The immeasurable treasure promised in the very next verse is finding the knowledge of the fear of God and the understanding of God. What clues have you come across so far? We are to search for Wisdom, God’s Wisdom as if it is hidden treasure.
The Good news is that Wisdom is not hidden at all. In the previous chapter of Proverbs we are told She cries out to us in the streets and is loud! Just like the treasure maps, we have to follow. It is more about choosing Her path over the one we want to go.
Like a rebellious child I too often choose my own path. My path will delay or make me miss out on Her riches. Today’s affirmation is to remind us to follow Her path.
I pray we follow her cries today and remember the treasure we are promised. How has following your own path worked out for you?
Today’s Prayer: Mighty God. Thank You for Your light and Your Wisdom to guide our paths. God forgive me for choosing my own way. I pray the consequences of my selfishness do not prevent me from completing the tasks You have intended for me. I seek Your Wisdom and listen for Her Voice and follow Her path. I am excited to take possession of Your treasures. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Cindy says
Good Morning Tom! I woke up extra early this morning for some much needed alone time with my heavenly Father, and went to Romans 8 (looking for that verse there about Holy Spirit coming to our aid regarding our prayers because, well, I’m struggling in my prayer life). When I got there though, it was as if the words of verse 35 were just jumping off the page at me. “Who shall ever separate us from Christ’s love?” Wow! And thank You LORD…He knows me so well, and knew that message was what I REALLY needed to hear/read/remember! That is one special treasure. Then, as if that wasn’t enough…as if God wanted to make SURE I got His point, He had me go to Psalm 139: 17 (Amp) “How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them.” OH! God Bless you and yours Tom. I know you are seeking God’s face for His will and purpose for you in the future, but I feel really led to tell you that Affirmations of God blesses my socks off right now! Glory to God! Cindy
Tom Raines says
Thank you for the verses Cindy! Those days where Praying seems to be a struggle is it so comforting to know I can just kneel there and raise my hands and thank Him. Thank Him for His love, His creation, His Spirit, His Word and He just makes my prayer and the scriptures come alive. Thank you for sharing your testimony of His faithfulness today. All we have to do is show up and seek Him and He provides our daily bread. I sooo appreciate your encouragement and it makes my heart joyful to know God uses these affirmations to bless you as they do me. The searching for them, like Wisdom, is where the joy lies. He will provide and show Himself…blessings to you my friend!!
patsy costner says
Cindy, I read your comment and wanted to respond to you. I have read much about what , how, and when to pray. And yes they were all helpful in many ways teaching me to pray for a lot and about many things. Just recently, God spoke to me and told me that sometimes he wants to do the talking. ( I have been pretty bad about dominating our conversation with my request, intercessions, thanks, etc. Which are all good in themselves.) It was suggested in my reading to not concern myself with any agenda as I pray. To go to God in my study. Begin reading and in a prayerful mode allow God to speak into my life showing me what to pray for. It has made a difference in my prayer life. I have found that he wants my attention as well as my thoughts so that he can speak into my life. Before, it was like I was facilitating the conversation. Now God is leading. And when I do not know what to say… I just sit quietly. When a person comes to my mind I just say their name and ask the Holy Spirt to fill in the request for so many times we really do not know what to ask. This is not from my wisdom but the Holy Spirit teaching me to pray. Love you sister.
Cindy says
I thank you for your encouragement and edification Patsy…taking time to write to me. God bless you! As I wrote in my response to Tom, my prayer life is important to me, and I am asking for Holy Spirit’s help; He is faithful. Lately, I have been feeling that my unplanned prayer time, like when I’m driving or doing dishes, just “hanging out with the Lord” is, um, more fulfilling then when I sit down for a set time to pray. The latter just isn’t feeling as natural??? But my greatest prayer is to be like Jesus and I know from reading the Word that He had an incredible prayer life. My family and friends can’t believe that I can sit and STUDY the Scriptures for hours…literally HOURS, but I find it hard to just sit quietly for more than a few minutes. I know my Father hears my prayers for help, and so I’m confident change will come. In the meantime, I just keep making myself available to Him. Happy Thanksgiving Patsy…to you and yours and know I thank God for you and our entire Affirmations of God community. Your sis, Cindy
Tom Raines says
What a thanksgiving you sisters are to me. I am so blessed that we can share, encourage and learn from each other. We can all relate to those times when we struggle to sit quietly. I am sure that is why His word reminds us to be still and know that He is God. As Jesus did, we can go off before the sunrises to be alone with God. I am sure it is there where we kneel before the Father and recieve His direction, His bread for the day. It is there where His Spirit is revealed. This Spirit makes His Word come alive when we read the Holy Scriptures. What joy this brings. Blessings to you all and I look forward to what He reveals to each of you!
bill (cycleguy) says
i find myself needing His wisdom more and more every day. Thanks for the encouragement.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Bill! He will give us what we need and seek. Yes more and more!
Debby says
Thanks Tom, for reminding me to seek God’s wisdom everyday for when I do there lies His treasure. Lord help me to seek your wisdom and understanding each and everyday.
Tom Raines says
So be it. Debby praying with you this prayer for all of us. Thanks for stopping by!
Caroline Gavin says
Amen! Thank you, Tom, for your encouraging posts.
Praise God that Wisdom calls to us clearly;
May we hold Wisdom close, ever so dearly.
Lord, lead us in thy perfect, precious Way,
Guiding us in all that we think, do and say.
God bless you bountifully, brother in Christ!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Caroline for your encouraging words and for sharing your gifts! God’s Spirit certainly orders your words and provides psalms of praise! May God also bless you and your ministry bountifully as well my sister.
Caroline Gavin says
Thank you very much, Tom! Your words warm the heart!
How thankful I am for YOU in this season of Thanks!
May God’s blessings abound in your Thanksgiving Day and ALL your days!
Tom Raines says
Caroline, I am thankful for YOU too and appreciate your heart and your words. Blessings to you!
patsy costner says
Why is it that we may be so “intelligent,” but when it comes to the spiritual it seems the more we know reveals that there is so much more that we do not know. My bible studies have been in 1 and 2 Corinthians in 1 Cor. 2:1-4 I believe that this is the way that we are to think about our wisdom. “And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” I believe when we pray, study, and seek God with our whole heart the Holy Spirit demonstrates through us his wisdom. It is like a treasure uncovered just when we need it. Tom, thanks for allowing the Spirit to flow through you as you speak truth to us through your writing.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Patsy. All I could think was how wonderful it is to trust in His wisdom and to confess I do not have it! I am so thankful that He placed His Spirit in jars of clay so that we may see that this incredible power and wisdom is not in us but Him in us! Blessings to you and thanks for stopping by and commenting and sharing the wisdom and experience God has blessed you with. We can all be encouraged and spurred on by each of our testimonies and our experiences in prayer!!
Kimberly says
I always enjoy the comments on your blog! I see the hunger and thirst we each have and it is refreshing to know that others spend so much time in the Word. Upon first reading your excerpt (because this is a nice series) I was reminded of my favorite verse on wisdom in James.
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” James 1:5
Tom Raines says
Thanks Kimberly and yes I love the heart sof those who share here!!! I am thankful for the great scriptures that come to your heart. You add a lot of insight…Yes, He is so generous to us! Blessings.