Today’s Scripture: She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. Mark 14:8 ESV
What can we do for Jesus right now? No looking around or considering what others will think or trying to give what I do not have.
What we have is enough and not to be compared to others. In turn, we are not to trouble others over what they have to give. Give what we can now.
Just as Jesus told His disciples here in Mark 14, it will be a beautiful thing. The ego and judgment of man does not create beauty but critiques it. The heart of serving and honoring Jesus is made beautiful by Him and used for generations to encourage others to give what they can.
We have in our hands this very moment a gift for Jesus and I pray we give it.
What one thing can you do for Jesus now?
Today’s Prayer: Abba, Father thank You for giving me what I can give. I pray Your will be done. Reveal to me Your will and what I can do for You. I give You what I have; I do what I can do for You. Please remove all concern or judgment from me honoring all gifts of others. I know You make all things beautiful with what we have. Thank You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
AMEN! We should always give what we have that is why I love the story of the widow’s mite she gave more then anyone else because she gave from all she had. If we could just learn to give God from what we have things would be so much better. I hear people say that they will give when they get more, see that is not the point of is giving out of what you already have and when we do that God blesses us. That is what makes a cheerful giver. AMEN
I was led here today Tom, I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off this morning, feeling overwhelmed-behind-out of control. These words gave me pause…gave me breath. And mostly gave me peace to do the next right thing…what I can-right now-for Jesus…
thank you …truly.
Thank you Robin for pausing and spending some time with me:) I am thankful for your peace and for you. Many blessings and pauses to consider what you can do for Jesus:)