Jesus asked, “Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me?” (John 14:10 NKJ) What’s it gonna be boy yes or no? Ok that was my part but John 14 is making me unusually brief today.
God DOES have a sense of humor. You know when your very own mother tells you that your writings are too long and she doesn’t have time to read them. They are just too long.
But, I told her I feel I am just writing what God is putting on my heart and I will not shorten His message or water it down if I feel this is what He is calling me to do. But here we go. This affirmation thing is out of control. I just completed John 14 this morning and have typed in almost 40 BRIEF affirmations that I believe any one can change a life.
Ok Mom, today’s affirmation comes from John 14:1 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.’ (NKJ) Quite simply I believe.
If you feel I am cutting you short today, you can blame my mom. If you like this, thank Jesus (and please let me know). Short and sweet, after going through John 14 here are some of my SHORT affirmations:
- I believe
- I know
- I ask
- I love
- I see
- I live
- I love
- I have peace.
- I go
Please read John 14 today. You can go to and look it up and I prefer the NKJ version. What a wonderful chapter that gives all we need. You need the short version of the Gospel and you don’t have time? Read John 14. What are your thoughts? Long or short versions are accepted. Enough said. Ha!
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Cindy says
“Do not let your hearts be troubled.” The long or short of it:) THIS was exactly the message I needed today…exactly. God is so faithful, so good to us, and I do thank Jesus, for His Good News, and for His good and faithful servants who proclaim it. Continue, please continue, to write what God puts on your heart. Thank you! You are in my prayers. (Ephesians 1:16-20 Amplified)
God bless you and yours, in the precious name of Jesus.
tomraines says
Cindy, thank you for your encouragement, confirmation and prayers. May God also bless you and may you spread the seeds of His kingdom today.