Today’s Scripture: And I will come down and talk with you there. And I will take some of the Spirit that is on you and put it on them, and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, so that you may not bear it yourself alone. Numbers 11:17 ESV
Are we thankful for what we have? Are we just as ungrateful as those wandering in the wilderness? In Numbers 11 Moses and God have had all they could handle with these ungrateful people.
Do we remain faithful or do we lose sight of our blessings due to our cravings? God has offered all of us His Spirit. He has been so generous to us. Do we recognize our daily manna and return thanks?
Have we consumed so much that we are sick of it without even giving thanks to our LORD? Blessed beyond measure I am praying we pause to thank God for His provision and pray for our hearts to only crave Him.
Are you thankful today for what God has given you?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, forgive me for my ungrateful heart. Your Word reminds me of the blessings You have given me that I have forgotten to thank You for. LORD, thank You for satisfying my cravings and for giving me Your Spirit. Thank You for my daily provision and giving me what I need. All my satisfaction and thankfulness is in You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Thanks for the reminder Tom. When I am tired and hurting physically (like I am right now), it is easy to forget to be thankful.
Praying for your pain Bill! It’s easy to slip in the thankfulness area and He reminded me this morning!! Blessings and healing!
Sometimes I do forget to appreciate the life the Father’s so graciously given me…thank you for this reminder my friend.
Thanks for stopping by Robin! Blessings and thanksgivings!
Thanks for this prayer Tom. It was a much needed stop! I am listing my blessings from the day! 🙂
Thanks Jelillie, abundant blessings!
It totally changes my day around when I begin being more thankful for everything! Thank you for such a great reminder and prayer!
Thank you Deb! Thanksgivings are blessings aren’t they?!!
Amen! Wonderful reminder of the bountiful blessings of our Beloved Father!
Thank You, Heavenly Father, as for every need You richly provide;
You satisfy deeply our longings as in Your wondrous love we abide.
May our hearts never grow cold to the limitless love You give;
May we rejoice always in Your blessings, as for You we do live!
Tom, may God continue to bless you beyond measure through Christ’s glorious treasure! It is an honor to co-labor with you in HIM! 🙂
Thanks Caroline! We ARE so rich in thanksgiving!! Thank you for the blessings and it is an honor for me to co-labor with you in Him as well!! Blessings!
I think it’s easy to be thankful when things are going well in your life. The hard part is being thankful when everything stinks. Thanks Tom and many blessings to you my friend. 🙂
So true, yet if we can seek to be thankful when everything stinks…they don’t stink as long and are soon dwelling in the thanksgivings rather than the stench. Not natural…but supernatural. Blessings!