Today’s Scripture: You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48 ESV
As a nine or ten year old I recall coming across this verse sitting in a Sunday school classroom that was set up as a green room for my entry into a children’s play. My spirit was relieved and reassured at that moment I could be perfect just as my heavenly Father is perfect.
Forty plus years later I still know that God’s perfection is in me and now more fully understand how God is all that is perfect. Here in Matthew after Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount I see that everything He called us to be is against our nature and is only possible if He is in it.
Right off the bat the first beatitude is for us to be poor in spirit; poor in our own spirit, poor in our mind and flesh. Our acceptance of our poverty and the awareness of His Spirit over ours open up His Kingdom that is perfect.
Do you believe that God’s perfection is in you?
Today’s Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for your words to us. Thank You for revealing Your Spirit that is perfect. Help me to live in Your Spirit. I know my spirit is poor and impure while Your Spirit is pure and rich. Hold me close LORD and keep the eyes of my heart on Your Spirit. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Meg says
Thank you, Tom. A good ending to my day. I appreciate you.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Meg, you have helped make a good ending to my day as well! Really late getting it out today so I appreciate you reading and taking a moment to encourage. Blessings! Just perfect:)
Debbie says
What a great comfort and encouragement! Thank you for the prayer . .praying it with you! God bless.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb! So awesome to pray with you! Blessings and perfection!
Robin says
Knowing my own need is the starting point for Him to be strong in me. Yes. I needed to be reminded to thank Him for His perfection when I see my shortcomings.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Robin, in our weakness He is strong…and perfect! Blessings and perfection my friend.
Kimberly says
I aree Tom. I believe in the passage in Matthew, it is speaking of those who are poor in Spirit. This is to be humble enough to recognize our perfection comes only thru Jesus Christ & his unselfish sacrifice to redeem mankind. I don’t believe we are perfect but pressing towards that perfection. As in Philippians 3:12 “I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.”
Tom Raines says
Amen Kimberly, striving to possess His perfection only in Him. Thanks for the additional scripture to show the path.