Today’s Scripture: But praise be to God who makes us strong to overcome in Christ, and makes clear through us in every place the value of the knowledge of him. (Bible in Basic English)
Don’t you love it when the Word and God’s promises ring true in your life? Have you ever experienced this strength of Christ? Have you ever experienced this strength that you know is beyond your capabilities?
Recently I have experienced God’s strength. Facing consequences of my own making and knowing that what was needed to fix things was not something I possessed I was strengthened by God Himself. I have had the blessing of seeing God’s strength in this new creation, this new life He has given me. Knowing how I once would have reacted and how I once would have tried to fix things I was keenly aware that I didn’t have it in myself.
But Christ working through us is a whole new story. We are promised that God always leads us to victory in Christ. How cool is that? The peace we have when we know we only seek to serve God. There is such freedom there. Instead of tackling the problem itself we can turn to Him and His strength, the strength of Christ and His Holy Spirit and trust His will is being done.
No fixing, no worries; just faith and belief. God makes me sufficient. The Holy Spirit is alive and gives me life. God has given me light in my life and I will never give up knowing He never abandons me. I am fully confident and know that my aim is to please God always. There is true strength in knowing that God has given me spiritual riches and that I will always have joy…no matter what.
Today’s Prayer: God, thank You for Your strength in Christ. Thank You for the offering of Jesus that made me right with You. Your strength is all I need. I own nothing yet I have everything. Thank You for revealing Yourself and proving Yourself in our lives. Your light is bright in our darkness and thank You for allowing us to see your light in the face of Jesus. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Your words and your sincerity bring me great peace. Thank you for the love of God and the beautiful sincerity that you share. You speak of your weakness and your need for God and through this you speak for us all and for me in a very personal way.
May God continue to bless you as you seek to do His will.
With peace and blessings,
Judy, thank you so much for taking the time to encourage. I know God has led me to write and share and words such as yours do provide me with confimation and encouragement. I am thankful for you and know God uses us all to encourage each other. I am thankful you are there and that God speaks with you also through this journey.
God does bless me through your kind words more than you know. Blessings and power to you my friend.