Today’s Scripture: He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 ESV
Do you think God speaks to you? At times do you wonder if it is just in your head or that still small voice is yours? I experienced one of those times this morning. Monday morning and after my prayer time I sat at my desk to seek an affirmation from God’s word. Interrupted by some work I needed to do I come back to the treasure hunt.
I was going to Luke 18 where I had left off last week but as I stopped briefly to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance a “thought” flashed through my mind. Does God want me in Luke 18 just because that is where I was and the word Ecclesiastes “popped” into my head. I almost argued with myself. Tom don’t listen to your head, you are making this up.
However, how often do you just come up with “Ecclesiastes” in your mind? Oreo cookies or ice cream maybe, but Ecclesiastes? I just began reading Ecclesiastes 1 at and God soon revealed to me it was Him and at times tears welled up in my eyes at His greatness. You see, tonight I am giving my testimony at Celebrate Recovery at Grace Fellowship Church. Do you think today’s verse will be appropriate for someone there? Do you think it is possible that God wants me to remind my fellow recovering folks that “God makes everything beautiful in its time”? I was going to share how my alcoholism brought me to my knees and on my knees God gave me a passion for these affirmations. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says there is a season for everything and in 3:3 we are told there is a time to heal. You think this is a message from God? I can’t make this stuff up.
Ecclesiastes 5:1 says to draw near to God and listen. Do you hear Him?
Today’s Prayer: Holy Father, thank You for Your word both spoken and written. Thank you for speaking to my heart. Thank you for showing me that it is better in the light than in the darkness. Thank you for taking what was dark and making it beautiful. Use my story Father to give hope and to share the joy you have given me to occupy my heart. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Kimberly says
I truly believe the Holy Spirit guides us into all Truth. I will pray for you as you share your testimony tonight. Praise God for giving you strength as you share your personal experience. As a friend recently said to me: “If you didn’t know my story, you would never understand my praise.”
Tom Raines says
Thank you Kimberly! What great words from your friend! I may reuse that one as it surely rings true in my life as well. Thanks for your prayers!
Meg says
Tom, I know hearts will be touched tonight when you share your story. God bless you for showing others there is help and hope!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Meg I appreciate your encouragement as always!!
bill (cycleguy) says
That verse has spoken to me more times than i am able to count, tom. And yes, it will go with your talk tonight. Will say a prayer for you, that your testimony will be crystal clear and reach someone’s heart.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Bill! I certainly appreciate your prayers! May He reach someone’s heart. Love it!
Julie Garmon says
Wow, I love this one, Tom. He does say “everything” doesn’t He! Are you giving your testimony tonight? Or was it last night?
Tom Raines says
Thanks, tonight grace snellville
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Dustin says
Nailed it today… thanks for the encouragement, Tom!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Dustin!
Mary says
Tom, I read your blog daily but this is my first time posting. As I was reading your inspiring affirmation, the Holy Spirit gave me such joy! My neighbor just recently lost his wife and what better way to comfort him than giving him Ecclesiastes 3:11. After reading further you gave two more wonderful Bible verses; Ecclesiastes 3:1 and 3:3. I give all the glory to the Lord that I read it today so I in turn can minister to my neighbor who is hurting. Thank you for all you do in giving out the Word of God and inspiring me daily. God Bless, Mary
Tom Raines says
Mary thank you so much for posting! The Holy Spirit is also filling my heart with joy as I read your post. I praise God and give Him all the glory as well. I am amazed at the moving of the Spirit and thankful for His living word that gives hope and power! Please don’t be a stranger as I am thankful to know you are being blessed!