Today’s Scripture: May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you! May those who love your salvation say evermore, “God is great!” Psalm 70:4 ESV
Ok, I know most of us immediately think, “God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our food” from our childhood blessings. Is that the last time you said God is great?
It is good to be reminded. Actually, David was in a bad place in Psalm 69 and 70. He says he was in the miry pit and the waters were up to his neck. Do you ever feel you are there?
David was calling on God to save him and to do it quickly. He was barely holding on yet he was aware of God’s salvation, that God is great! So great that He will save us and we can cry out that He do it quickly!
Can you pause now, whether in good times or bad, and rejoice and be glad in the love of your salvation to exclaim GOD IS Great?
Today’s Prayer: God, You are great! I do rejoice and am glad in You! I am thankful and love my salvation in You. LORD, I call on You to save me. Save me from anything that distracts me from You. LORD, thank You for dwelling with me and help me to dwell with You forevermore. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Cindy says
I will never pass up an opportunity to say God is great! Thank you! Praying for you and yours, Cindy
Tom Raines says
Keep telling of His greatness my sister Cindy! Thank you and many blessings as continue to praise Him and share His greatness with others!
Caddo-Jael says
He is definitely Great–everyday, all the time, even when I feel “all tore up”. I’m so glad and thankful that He doesn’t have bad days/moods!! God bless you brother–yep, it’s me, Caddo (come visit, if you feel like it)
Tom Raines says
Well hello sis, have been thinking of you! Last I heard you were at the beach and then we just lost touch…I apologize but I have been so busy or disorganized that I have struggled to get around and visit folks. Trying to be faithful to writing what God puts on my heart as well as to my family and work activities. I pray for His help coming to see my beloved friends. You have a new look I see. I am coming over:) BIG Blessings!
Caddo-Jael says
Wonderful to reconnect with you, Tom. No pressure about blog visiting, from my end–it’s taking some time for me to reach out to my old gang (you made yesterday’s list!). I enjoyed your blog so much, and will try to visit as much as I can. God bless you and your family BIG–love, sis Caddo
Tom Raines says
No pressure but surely blessed by our visits when we can. Praying sis for your wellness and fullness in Him who loves us and saves us. BIG blessings back at you:)
maelorenzo♡ says
Thanks for sharing the verses..:) It comforts me..<3 Indeed, GOD IS GREAT!!!! 😉
Tom Raines says
Thank you Mae for visiting here and sharing. Your faith and your presence are encouraging and I praise God our Great God that we can praise Him together! Blessings and all the comfort of God’s greatness for you:)