Today’s Scripture: So God has given us both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can take new courage, for we can hold on to his promise with confidence. Hebrews 6:18 NLT Tyndale
What are we waiting for? Let us enter boldly and confidently into what we know God has promised us. We are ready and have all we need.
A few days ago a manager in my sales organization said “do you want to keep repeating the third grade over and over again?” It made me realize that I had been doing that in my career as well. To get out of the third grade I needed to mature and change and do things differently. I needed to mature and move on.
Here is the writer of Hebrews saying the same thing about us believers. In Hebrew 6 verses 1-3 we are told to mature in our understanding. Stated in verse 9 are the encouraging words “We are confident that you are meant for better things, things that come with salvation.”
We have what we need. This new courage, this confidence will take us into God’s inner sanctuary where Jesus has already gone to make our way clear.
It is time to move on confidently and fulfill the promise of God. What will you do today to show this new courage?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for the confidence You have given me. I accept Your oath and Your promise. Forgive me for continuing to review what You have already taught me. I will boldly and confidently complete the promise You have given me in my salvation. Help me Father God as I proceed and I ask you to show me the next step. You are my courage and my hope. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Hi Tom, thanks for this verse today. We just came home from leaving my 18 year old in an intense missionary program at MBTS, Kansas City,Missouri. I’m feeling all kinds of things,(she is our first to leave home)sad,scared,happy,proud. So I needed this piece of scripture today,thanks.
Bless you! God is maturing your child and us! May we be confident in His promises and go to lands we do not currently know! May we find courage in our faith! Thank you for sharing and I am praying now for you and your family!
Thanks for the word this morning, Tom. I want to remember that boldness and courage is from the Lord.
He has given us the courage, we know His Spirit and what He is communicating to us. This confidence and this courage is in Him and His strength. Bless you Dustin, keep doing what you do for Him!
I have a sweet friend who says “God is growing me up.” when she realizes a new revelation but isn’t God growing us all up? Good word Tom!
He is, He is! The Father knows best! Thanks Kimberly…and congrats as I saw the good news on your blog! Great testimony of God showing the way and having the courage to go as He provides the way. Best wishes!