Today’s Affirmation: The works of God are revealed in my weaknesses.
Affirmations work. What we speak to ourselves come true. Today? Maybe not…but soon and on time. I have used affirmations to get things, to achieve goals, and to define successful income levels. The results were achieved but built on shakey ground. I once affirmed to make enough money to be satisifed….right. The money was there but where was the satisfaction? It appears the other material items I affirmed to possess cost more than the income level I so desired. But, the Affirmations worked and I achieved what I asked for.
Who said I should affirm the material possessions? Were the affirmationist self help motivator’s just telling me what I wanted to hear? I was hooked. I affirmed, I achieved and I got what affirmed to achieve….hmmm, that’s a lot of “I’s”. Did I begin the affirmation process without considering the end? Did I run down paths leading away from my true compass? Did I climb ladders leaning against the wrong walls?
Yes to all which did prove to me the effectiveness of affirming to be and also the failure of the “I”. But in these failures I found my compass, my wall and my passions. I learned that as I followed the wrong paths, the wrong people and the wrong desires that I found that all the wrongs just brought me closer to the right things for me.
I have now found that the most powerful affirmations in the world can be found in the word of God. If I am to claim, to aim and strive, shouldn’t I first pause to seek guidance from the God of the universe? Should I consider my gifts, my purpose and the will of God? Yes, Lord I seek your way. I seek my affirmations from you and praise you for the treasures you have shown to me there.
Today’s affirmation reminded me of how my weaknesses were actually You revealing Yourself to me.
Where I am weak, He is strong. Not my strength but His. Do I know how to proceed? No, but in my weakness He will be revealed.
Affirmations work…yes they do and when they are based on God’s word they satisfy…I agree.
Once again I tell you that I’m relieved that God is revealed in my weaknesses…He’s got so much room to reveal Himself….
Thanks Robin, my first comment. I am soooo thankful for you!!! This is my first reply so I hope it gets back to you!
tom would love you to help me with my goals !
would love to be self employed and work for myself so i can give myself to his word and prayer and to evangelise the area where i live and go to my conferences and study at bower house in romford london. and also spend more time with my kids and not be tied down with a secular job filled with political correctness gone mad ! maybe u can help me with some affirmations which do work !
gods richest blessings tom thanks for this blessed website
john from liverpool england
John, I will certainly pray that God’swill be done in your life! I will pray for some affirmations that God would suggest for you. I pray your dreams and goals will be guided by His Spirit!