Today’s Affirmation: With purpose of heart I continue with the Lord.
Just as Barnabas in Acts 11:23, I am glad and encouraged and seek the Lord’s will with purpose of heart.
Amazing how when we seek God’s purpose we begin to see our own purpose. I spent years wondering what my purpose would be and just floating along life’s currents without a rudder. I thought one day I would find out what my purpose would be. I was confident the Lord would reveal it to me.
I had the waiting part down but now see I really did not seek Him with purpose of heart. Actually for many years I did not seek Him at all. I acknowledged His presence but lived life filled with my self interests. I sought what would please me or seem right at the time.
In learning to praise God and just love Him I began to see in my heart that all I really wanted was Him and His purpose. All I seek is to worship the Lord God and be apart of His kingdom and His will.
Bam, in this He is showing me my purpose. I know it is counter intuitive but to find me I had to finally look away from me. Once I sought to only look to Him I began to find myself. Day after day as I praised Him I began to have a heart for these affirmations and finally found a passion.
What is your passion? If you are not sure, please don’t look for it. Just get on your knees every day and praise God. That is your purpose and in that He will reveal your personal purpose that will assure you know what you were created to do.
May we all continue with the Lord today with purpose of heart and be amazed at the passion and purpose He places in our heart in return.
Tom Raines
John says
I do believe you hold the key to success in this essay. So simple yet so profound! May God continue to meet with you and bless you with His Grace!
Robin says
This is powerful and I agree with John…profound.
Thank you my friend…