Today’s Affirmation: The Lord has blessed me with everlasting joy.
As I sit by my Nana’s bed all night waiting for Jesus to take her home this affirmation harvested from Isaiah 61:7 has fresh meaning. “…Everlasting joy shall be theirs.”
Our Christian heritage is one of rebirth and joy in things yet to come. As Nana and I have talked and prayed together the talk of heaven and the everlasting joy in knowing the Father of eternity is ours brings joy. Even in the transition from earthly flesh to heavenly spirit takes place, joy can be found by both the living and the dying.
As Nana asked me to talk about heaven I found peace and joy in describing my limited understanding of this glorious destination. Joy in knowing that one day I would see her again and my family members would one day be reunited because of our faith in God and His son Jesus Christ.
At one point in our conversation Nana asked. “What have you done”? I do not know if she was speaking of the last few minutes or for this lifetime. I asked her again what she said and she said “what have you done”. Holding the hand of my dying grandmother and have her ask me this made me pause. Umm, Nana do you mean now or in my life. No answer.
The burden was mine to ask myself. So, I ask myself and you. What have you done? Do I want to keep this everlasting joy to myself? Do I share with others by just telling my story and what this joy means to me? Should I expect all others to accept and welcome this joy?
In Isaiah 61:8, the Lord says “I will direct their work in truth, And will make with them an everlasting covenant.” Direct us Lord to be priests of Your word. To share Your word and Your covenant with others.
O Lord, direct my work. Thank you for this everlasting joy and this everlasting covenant and promise. Everlasting is a long time. Long enough for us to work in truth all the days of our earthly lives sharing the good news and resting on the everlasting joy no one or no thing can take from us.
- Have you experienced God’s everlasting joy? What is your story?
- Have you reflected on what you have done?
- Do you have a source of joy that is everlasting?
- Do you live each day with purpose?
What have you done?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
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