Today’s Affirmation: I offer my whole self to God as a living sacrifice.
Burn me up God, turn me to ashes. Take me, ALL of me. Today I offer my body, my all to YOU as a living sacrifice.
This affirmation is drawn from Romans 12:1. I chose the Amplified Version today because of it’s reminder of the “BODY” being it’s physical members and it’s “faculties”. I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.
In Step 3 of the 12 step recovery process we are called to “Make a decision to turn our lives and our will over to God. I believe this is THE decision and not just “a” decision. Here I am God. I offer you ALL I am and All I have. Thank you for your mercy and I pray you see what I have as pleasing to you. This is my spiritual act of worship.
I am worshipping you Father God of the universe. The Creator God, the King of kings and Lord or lords. This is my worship to you today. Here I am. My flesh, my intellect, my heart and soul I give to you. May my worship be pleasing to you!
- Do you want to pour out yourself upon the alter?
- Looking back at God’s mercy of us, can we be thankful and just let go?
- What are some ways you offer yourself to God?
- Do you feel you have giving Him your all?
What has helped you offer yourself to God that you can share with others?
Here I am God.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
1.Do you want to pour out yourself upon the alter?
YES!!!! I daily pour myself out. I am nothing apart from him, and my heart is wicked, deceitful above all else! I have to purge/cleanse myself of “me” and allow more room for Him! When we received the gift of salvation ~ that is just the mere beginning of our journey in Christ! That’s the point that SANCTIFICATION can begin! There is no offering/sacrifice/circumcision without pain/pruning/cutting ~ in essence ~ surgery of the heart! We must go to the alter (operating table) and give ourselves up to the removal of ourselves, the evil of the world, sins of the past, whatever it is that keeps us from being filled with the living water that is the ONLY thing that will truly sustain us in this life! Until we receive our new HEAVENLY bodies, these earthly ones must continually be pruned and perfected or they will grow wild and unruly!
2. Looking back at God’s mercy of us, can we be thankful and just let go?
This one takes more work for me as I struggle with forgiveness (of myself) ~ not really others. Fear, guilt, and shame have clouded my vision of God in me for years but this is one I am really working on in His chambers at the alter!
3. What are some ways you offer yourself to God? For me, it is quiet time. Being still before Him, and RADICALLY changing my way of thinking ~ It’s not about what others say, “do” to me, how they act, or the influences of the world or my very own sinful nature ~ it is about what God wants to DO IN ME through all of that! It is learning how to ACT, not REACT to life. It is learning and submitting myself to His word and being God-honoring in my thoughts, words, and deeds! It is giving up control, relying on faith and yielding ALL of myself on that alter ~ not holding back and not trusting (again yielding control)!
4.Do you feel you have giving Him your all? Not yet, but am more aware of it! It’s a LIFELONG journey and I pray I never think that I have fully “arrived”. How prideful that would be ~ to think that He had completed His work in me.
Praise you Lord Jesus. Cyndy, thank you for pouring out your heart. I feel so encouraged and blessed by your passion!! You go and continue to share your heart as it is a beautiful thing! May we continue to sacrifice ourselves moment by moment that He may fill us anew!!! Have a passionate Christ Filled day today…sounds like you are already on your way!