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Today’s Affirmation: I love You Jesus and am thankful You make Your home in me.
I just love it when ALL Jesus asks of us is to love Him. That’s simple enough isn’t it? I think I can do that. Jesus I do love you. In John 14:23 Jesus said: “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. (NKJ)
“WE”, God the Father and Jesus in the form of the Holy Spirit making their home in me??!! Does that not feel awesome to know that the God of the Universe, The Lord of Lords, the Great and Mighty King makes His home in me?
All I have to do is love Him and keep his word. I can love Him. I am shaky at times on keeping His word but am sure He will help me. Jesus does say “anyone”.
Back in John 14:16 and 17 Jesus promises to give us a “helper”. We all need help. Jesus promised us this helper, the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit who He promised in verse 16 that He would live with us forever. Verse 17 says if we know this Spirit it will live with us and in us. We just need to know Him. Lord I love You and ask You to help me know Your helper, this Spirit of Truth.
- Do you feel the peace of knowing the Lord promises to make a home in you?
- How do you think we get to know the Spirit of Truth?
- Can you love Jesus?
Welcome Lord Jesus. I love you and am so thankful You make Your home in me. Holy Spirit I want to know you above all things. Help me to know you and help me in the word. Thank you for your peace!
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Not only do I love Him and am grateful for His love for me but I always try to say it to Him out loud.
Thank you Bill. Let me high light that OUT LOUD. May I lift up my voice to Him every day. GREAT Point!