Today’s Affirmation: I draw near to God and He draws near to me.
Some things sound so simple. Maybe even a, well duh, moment. Quite simply, the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. This affirmation was taken directly from James 4:8. What sounds so simple and is so true is obviously hard in application.
Do you ever say, “Yep, I am doing that?” But in reality you are only doing something similar to that? My 75 year old mother gets so frustrated with her computer and modem issues. On phone calls of explanations, she will say, Ok, I am doing it just like you say and it still does not work. But, mother, if you are clicking (or double clicking) on that thing then it WILL do what it is supposed to do. I am…well mother, OBVIOUSLY not…
I used to have a co-worker and no matter what suggestion to increase sales came their way, they always said “I am already doing that”. But, their sales never measured up. Get the picture? Sounds simple to just draw near to God and then He will draw near to us. Do our results, our lives reflect that we are indeed drawing near?
What does drawing near to God look like, taste like, smell like, feel like? Can you do something only similar or partially? James gets firm in the second half of the James 4:8 scripture: “Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” Hmmm. Sounds like James is telling us to draw near we must get focused, clean up our act, and get rid of those other things we are drawing near to. Ouch.
James 4:1-3 is all about seeking God’s will over our pleasures. Drawing near to our pleasures seems like it draws us near to a bunch of unsuspected trouble. This is not a message to spread guilt but only one that shows what appears simple really demands complete action. Although we can “kind of” draw near to God, or partially, or do something similar it will be clear if God is drawing near to us. Beware of drawing near to the world for it will draw near to you. What fruits are we producing worldly or godly? So I hang on to James 4:6 and humble myself before the Lord and confess my lack of drawing near and He gives me grace. Praise God. I am taking Him up on 4:10 I choose to bow down before the Lord and admit my dependence on him, He will lift me up.
- Have you drawn near to God and had Him draw near to you?
- What are some of the fruits or evidence that He has drawn near to you?
- What actions can we take to draw near to Him?
- When we try to draw near to both God and the World what are the results?
Lord, I humbly ask your forgiveness for my chasing after my pleasures instead of Your will. Thank you for drawing near. Thank you for your grace. My complete overwhelming pleasure is in You. Come a little closer God.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations4Life
Michelle says
I also would like to follow in your prayer. I too have not drawn near as I should. Thank you for the reminder today 🙂
Robin~ All Things Heart and Home says
Sometimes my time with God is primarily reading His Word…other times I listen to good music and get on my knees in worship…other mornings you’ll find me walking in circles around the house, coffee cup in hand talking out loud a mile a minute…(My neighbors can see in and must think I’m nuts)
As long as I make myself available, I believe He shows up. Some mornings I rise and shine and throw myself into my day before I stop to spend time with Him. Why do I do that?
I pray for my coming week that I’ll make myself available.
Great word Tom.
tomraines says
Thanks Michelle for chiming in. Great we can pray together and spur each other on to draw nearer to God! Have a great Mother’s Day!
tomraines says
Thanks Robin, I too have to battle the temptation to jump into my day. Especially when not rising early enough I am tempted to jump into searching for the affirmation of the day. I feel so much better when I just spend time with Him first. I love getting on my knees and praising Him. So crazy I let other things get in the way sometimes. Praying for you and everything. Hoping you and Mike are taking your vacation! Happy Mother’s Day!