Today’s Scripture: Acts 4:29 NIV: Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.
Peter and John were on trial for healing a lame man. We are told that Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke with great boldness. The members of the council trying them were amazed at their boldness because they could see that Peter and John were just ordinary people with no special training.
The Holy Spirit gives us ordinary people great boldness too. Like Peter and John, we have a story to tell that cannot be denied. The council could not deny the lame man had been healed because he was standing there with them. We have our evidence standing with us also. Our doubters can witness our healing.
Like Peter says in Acts 4:20 We cannot stop telling about the wonderful things we have seen and heard.” I can’t, I won’t. The Lord’s healing makes me bold like that. What is your story?
Today’s Prayer: Lord, You are wonderful. I leap up and praise You for healing me. I lift up my voice in prayer and praise You. Thank You for filling me with Your Holy Spirit and for helping to share everything I have boldly. I rejoice that You find me worthy and I will tell this story You have given me every day. Fill me Lord with Your great boldness. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.
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