Today’s Scripture: Daniel 2:23 NLT Tyndale: I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors, for you have given me wisdom and strength.
When do you thank God? Do you wait until everything has come out as you planned?
Daniel stepped out in faith. He requested an appointment with the king to interpret his dream BEFORE he had even asked God to reveal to him the mystery. The thanks and praise he gave God for wisdom and strength in this verse was BEFORE he met with the king.
Daniel knew and we can know that God will reveal Himself in us. Like Daniel here in verse 2:23, we can thank and praise God for what He has given us and what He will give to us. It is not our wisdom and strength that will complete dreams but His.
What are you thanking and praising God for? Thank and praise God BEFORE your dreams come true and trust and glorify Him and You will see the mysteries of His ways revealed.
Today’s Prayer: God of heaven, I praise Your name forever and ever for You alone have all wisdom and power. I have made up my mind to only feed on You. Please use Your power to use me and protect me from myself and my flesh. I am stepping out trusting in Your wisdom and strength. I thank You and praise You God. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.
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