Today’s Scripture: Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. Luke 2:25 NIV
Why do we do what we do? Why am I writing this when I have a million more things I “should” be doing? Why are you reading this when you have a million more things calling you? I pray it is to remind us both that we can trust the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to go and do God’s will today.
The Simeon story always reminds me of the trust we can have in the timing of the Holy Spirit. I like this quote from Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible at “The Holy Ghost was upon him – He was a man divinely inspired, overshadowed, and protected by the power and influence of the Most High.”
Can’t you feel the power and influence of the Most High? This same Holy Ghost inspires you and me and gives us the desire and power to DO what is right.
Do you sense the Holy Spirit’s inspiration?
Today’s Prayer: Almighty Father, I praise Your name. Your power, influence and design are beyond comprehension. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit and for sharing Him with us. I confess my failures and my sins of trying to do things on my own strength. I am inspired and renewed to be reminded of Your power and Your Will that will be provided to me if I open my heart and soul to contain only You. Fill me LORD with Your Spirit and continue to inspire and protect your servants. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.

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