Ahhhh, Peace and quiet, can you feel it? No? Blessed is the person who has found it, or so they say. I am usually too busy grasping at the wind to find it. But now, I think I am just getting OLD. Funny, but they say when Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes that these were in his “older years”. Well it almost feels blasphemous to say what I seek most is peace and quiet but I am old and tired.
Am I giving up? Am I giving up on the American dream? Am I a quitter who is just lazy to the core? Who defines these things? Why do I need all this stuff? Yes, LORD I need peace and quiet and you provided this reminder and these words in the person of Solomon this morning. Today’s affirmation comes from Ecclesiastes 4:6 One handful of peace and quiet is better than two handfuls of hard work and of trying to catch the wind. (God’s Word Translation)
That’s it LORD I just want one handful of peace and quiet. Yes, peace and quiet. Can we pause long enough to feel it before we race off in our minds or in reality to do all these things? It seems I can only find what Solomon suggests here in verse six if I remember my affirmation that came from verse one of this fourth chapter. “I have a comforter”. I was reminded of the comfort I find in the LORD as I read Solomon’s statement that the oppressed people had no comforter, I was thankful to know I have a comforter.
Then just as quickly as I remember that I have a comforter I can turn away from Him and begin to find comfort in chasing the wind. Can you relate to what I am saying or am I just in a bad spot here? I know I have toiled and strived for years with selfish ambition. Where has this taken me? Old and Tired. Is this because work and toil is bad? Of course not, this is a fact of life and a requirement of all. I take the responsibility seriously to provide for my family. But have I tried to provide at great costs?
Does the vanity of my efforts send the right message to my children? The vanity I speak of here is a biblical vanity defined as emptiness or worthlessness. Have I toiled at great sacrifice to family time to achieve things that just rust and break down? Have I worked to prove my worth? Solomon, who was the wealthiest man of all time, asks in Ecclesiastes 4:8: There is one alone, without companion: He has neither son nor brother. Yet there is no end to all his labors, Nor is his eye satisfied with riches. But he never asks, “For whom do I toil and deprive myself of good?” This also is vanity and a grave misfortune. (NKJ)
Maybe I have never asked myself that question: “For whom do I toil and deprive myself of good?” As I ask myself that today, where do I find peace and quiet? In knowing that I am working for my comforter. Whatever we do today, whatever our labor, our profession, our service may we know for whom we do it.
I now see why Ecclesiastes is also called the most pessimistic book in the bible but I also see Solomon as being real. Yes, I am the wealthiest man in the world, so what?! Of course, the second half of Ecclesiastes is said to be about the importance of heavenly wisdom in the midst of earthly vanity. Do you look forward to the second half? Seeking what is important in the second half of Ecclesiastes and our lives.
I am NOT feeling pessimistic but very refreshed to be reminded to seek peace and quiet in my comforter. I know He promises in the very next chapter that He can keep me busy with the joys of my heart. Will I let Him? Will I continue to seek comfort on the worldly things and ways or will I seek my comfort and my joy in Him. There is peace and quiet there I bet.
May we work with joy and hope for our comforter who will give us all the peace and quiet we need. We can find our rest in Him. Rest and power. What an odd combination. When seeking our peace and quiet in Him and knowing for Him do we toil we find energy and a new youthful exuberance. Am I really tired or am I just depriving myself of doing good? Can I begin today to make sure this life is not a grave misfortune?
Do you ever feel tired? Do you need some peace and quiet? How has God helped you when you were tired? Do you have a story of how God has shown you a work that is not vain but fulfilling? I would love to hear about it. Where do you find peace and quiet?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Just over two weeks ago Tom my church world came to a resounding clang. I am not at liberty to state what that is but it will echo for quite awhile. I am okay (to make sure that is understood). I have not lost my job (whew!). But when I was doing research that took hours upon hours I found myself struggling to maintain equilibrium. Not get too down about what I was finding. What I longed for was peace and rest. God gave it to me in strange ways. But he was true to His Word. Good thoughts today my friend.
Thank you Bill, God is true to His word isn’t He? He knew I needed this word and I related to your blog this morning. Like your S-10, without this peace and quiet I am spinning out of control. This sled will come to a stop and I will get some peace and quiet in Him. He is my comfort and In Him I find peace. I will continue to pray for you as I have been feeling your hardship at your church. I am praying for God to continue to be with you and guide you!
>>Do you ever feel tired? Do you need some peace and quiet?
Yes, and yes.
Thanks for confirming that which our Father is indeed speaking to me right now, Tom.
Thank you Donald! I went to your site this morning after writing this and see that you were ahead of me! Thankful God can use us to confirm what we need to do. I pray that we get the peace and quiet we need so we can know clearly the steps He intends for us. May He honor this time of prayer and fasting to feed us. God I pray for a blinding light on the road so that when we regain our sight Iwe will see Him and His plans for us more clearly. May His rest strengthen us and empower us to fulfull His commission in the way and manner He intends for each of us. He is speaking!
Well maybe I am feeling old and tired as well. I am seeking peace and quiet in the midst of my work and in my feeling of doing good for those in my charge. As a leader of an organization of any kind, feelings of responsibility for caring for others weighs heavily. I pray for peace and quiet in my mind to discern God’s direction. Toiling is part of man’s life. May we put others in the light of the Lord, and uplift our brothers. It isn’t all about me, I know that – it just is hard to deal with difficult economic situations. Long suffering is a part of the whole as well. God, give me peace and quite to hear your voice and move as you direct. Thanks Tom for your provocative inspiration, bless you!
Thanks Sheryl, I join you in that prayer. May the Holy Spirit guide you and your heart. God will provide us our daily bread and pray all of us commune with Him to seek it. He is in control. I pray you find some peace and quiet as He takes care of those under your care.
Love you!