Today’s Scripture: Matthew 5:4 NLT; “God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
Jesus tells us we are blessed when we realize our need for God. Here on the Sermon on the Mount Jesus teaches us what we really need.
The human experience teaches us that neediness is weak. Jesus however teaches us what we need to see God. Contrary to the needs of man the promises of God are blessings.
The needs of man are ever changing the promises of God are definite. The Kingdom of Heaven IS ours. We WILL be comforted. We WILL inherit the earth. We WILL be satisfied. We WILL be shown mercy and we WILL see God.
Do you realize your need for God? Do you need the blessings of God? The blessings of God are true and the needs of man are fragile.
May we continue to go to Jesus to teach us our needs and blessings. What do you need?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, I thank You for my brokenness. Because I am spiritually poor I realize my need and reliance on You. LORD, I confess I am incapable of being pure but In You I am blessed and filled with Your love and Your Spirit. In You I am blessed. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
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