Like the blind man in John 9:25, all I can tell you is: “One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.”
I can not explain it and I am not great at debating it. The are millions of people today who still like to challenge the belief in Jesus as the Son of God and that is no different than two thousand years ago. Just as with the blind man and the Pharisees, nothing I can say will convince them but when you know, you just know. “One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.”
This is worth stating again because I don’t know all things but I can tell you that my experience of what Jesus said in John 10:10 rings true with me: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Today’s affirmation was claimed from this verse.
It appears to me the more we can get out of the mental and get into the spiritual we begin to see. When I tried to rationalize it, even practice faith on the mental or “knowledge” level all I had was my knowledge. But when I was broken and could no longer trust what I knew I became blind, lost and could not see a future.
Then I stumbled through the door as Jesus calls us to in His story in John 10. He promised there that those who enter Him as the door are His sheep. LORD I feel so fortunate that, although I was blind, that you guided me and yes provided fellow sheep who nudged me along until I went through your door.
At this moment I am not sure I even did it on purpose. I almost feel as if I fell through your door rather than entering. There is no doubt however that I can feel the threshold under my knees as I know I crawled through the door on my knees. The neat thing is it has happened just as you promised.
You promised I would be yours and I would hear your voice. I do have to listen intently at times and still have to silence my mind but your voice is distinct and it sends chills up my spine. Yes, LORD, I was blind but now I see and when I am hearing your voice I am living a life so much more abundantly than when I was blind I just want to praise you.
That “one thing” was enough for the blind man wasn’t it? I am completely comfortable with knowing that one thing as well. I was blind to the abundant life but now I see. Jesus promised in John 10:9 “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. Find “pasture” doesn’t that sound fulfilling? We will go in and out and when we are hungry we can go feed with the Christ. He has saved us and yes given us a life more abundant than we could have ever imagined or “seen” in our minds.
Do you know Him? Do you know His voice? It is as real as the letters on this page that you read now. I can’t explain it and don’t know how to hear it except to admit we are blind and cry out for Him to show us His door. He has promised to open it for us, welcome us in and give us life more abundantly. I have found this to be true. You can debate within the realms of your minds and your knowledge which will always cause you to choose a different door; or you can come to know and come to believe when you only have to believe in one thing.
One thing is enough and it brings a life more abundant than you can imagine. Have you experienced it? Can you hear Him?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
“Provided fellow sheep who nudged me along..”. Tom, what a wonderful mental picture this is! I do thank God for all the “fellow sheep” who are there when we need a little nudge. Thank you for always feeding us with God’s word. I hope the year ahead will be your best ever.
Thank you Meg! I truly appreciate your continuing encouragement and confirmation that God’s will is being done. I too wish you a wonderful year as we seek Him and continue to have our eyes opened! Bless you!
I would have to pick that phrase also Tom. Sometimes, in all truthfulness, I need more than a nudge. 🙂 I also want the life He offers because nothing else is worth it.
Ha, so true Bill! Maybe I got PUSHED in! Ha and that is why I wasn’t sure if I did it on purpose. When our dear mothers and others are praying so hard for our salvation is it possible God sends a few rather large sheep to knock us in, ha!! I can see that one too! Nothing else indeed!