Today’s Scripture: Galatians 1:1 (ESV): Paul, an apostle–not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead—
Paul made it clear who defined him as an apostle, didn’t he? Jesus and God the Father and not man define who we are. Paul asks a great question in Galatians 1:10: For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. (ESV)
That last sentence proves true in my experience. If I am trying to please man (which includes ME), I would not be a servant of Christ. I lived most of my life so concerned with what others thought that by age 40 I realized I did not even know who I was. I had become defined by what I thought others wanted to see or hear.
I knew the God talk and went to church but was a practicing alcoholic. God has worked miracles in my heart. Have you ever struggled with seeking the approval of man or allowing man to define you? Today let us be reminded that it is Jesus and God the Father who define us. His approval is all we need.
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father thank You for coming to live in my heart. I so love You and Your Spirit. I am thankful for Your love and Your approval. I only seek Your approval Father God. Please open my eyes if I ever slip back into seeking approval of man. You LORD are all I need and all I seek today is to please You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Tom, how freeing it is when we discover that we can never please all of the people in our lives, and that our only goal should be to please our Father God! Thank you for this wonderful reminder today.
It is freeing isn’t it?! Thanks Meg, I always appreciate your confirmations!
Awesome. Gal 1:10 has always been a life verse for me for the past 15 years. I always need the reminder that my identify is found in Him, and not the approval of others.
Thanks Dustin! Glad this hit on your verse, I should have claimed that that one years ago. Small world as my life verse is right next door in Galations 2:20
Tom: check out my blog after 3:00 ET. It has my response to this post. Excellent my friend!
Oh wow, I have been away today and am excited to get over and see your response. Thank you Bill!!
Tom, thanks for sharing your personal life with us, your readers. I have been effected by alcoholism in my family. I have always struggled with gaining approval and not feeling good enough, but, am slowly learning that I am worthy of His love and so much more. Thanks for all you do. I have been sharing your posts with my daughter. She will soon be leaving to Seminary school in Missouri. I ask for your prayers on her behalf.
Thank you Liz! I am praying for your daughter now and I know you must be thankful that she is going to Seminary! I had to do the slow learning as well on seeking my approval only in Him. Suddenly, one day I realized that He had changed me and I was comfortable and at peace only in HIm. He is so faithful. Thanks for kind words!!
Thank you especially for these last two days of affirmations. You are an inspiration when I feel none…love you.
Love you too Sheryl. I am so thankful for God’s word and how His Spirit can hit us where we need it. He is working where and when we are unaware!!
I agree with all of this, but my only concern is that people in the church tend to use this line of reasoning when defending an action that Jesus definitely would not approve of. Jesus tells us to hold each other accountable, and I don’t take this very lightly. I think this article is incomplete. In addition to everything you said, I think you should add that even though Jesus defines us, that doesn’t give us permission to act in the ways of the world and then use this line of reasoning as a defense. I’m coming across this right now with a friend of mine and a couple of his friends in the church. Anyway, I won’t say anymore. I’m not even sure I’ve said everything I wanted to say coherently because I’m so flustered by the situation I’m in.
Michael, thanks for dropping by. It sounds like you are in a situation where you are questioning motives. Continue to test this situation through God’s Word. Is what others claim to be from Jesus supported by His word? If not, and you can show where “Jesus definitely would not approve of” by evidence in His word then you should old your brothers accountable. This affirmation of God was really where God confirmed to me in His word that it is He who defines me and I should not allow man to define me. You are correct that this point and most others can be misused or taken out of context. Just keep seeking Him and His word and He will reveal Himself and His Spirit will guide your steps.
Thanks for the encouragement Tom. 🙂
Praying for you now Michael that you will be guided by the Spirit and the Word on what to do. He will give you the wisdom, the boldness and courage to reflect HImself in this.
You are too kind to mention me, I am excited to get over there. I appreciate your visiting this space and for your diligence!