Today’s Scripture: When they saw him, they worshiped him—but some of them still doubted! Matthew 28:17 NLT
No matter the circumstances we can still worship Him. Somehow we have been made to feel guilty if we doubt or if we struggle to grasp this God thing. Our understanding, our faith even may be shaken and stirred at times but we can and should still worship Him.
Here are these eleven remaining disciples with their heads still spinning from what has happened in just a few short days. From the triumphant entry of their Lord into Jerusalem on the colt with everyone singing Hosanna to Him, to His beating and crucifixion to their scattering; can you imagine? Jesus had reappeared once again to fill their empty nets with fish and they headed to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
On this mountain, is where Jesus laid out His plan to these eleven individuals. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him—but some still doubted. Do you have doubts? Do you doubt yourself or even God right now? Just worship Him. He is God, He has a plan, and you are part of His plan. Have no doubt about that!
Today’s Prayer: LORD, You are beyond my comprehension yet I will worship You. I praise You as the God of creation, the God of Abraham, the God of Jacob, my God. In my weaknesses help strengthen me to worship who You say You are. Through my weaknesses You are strong and I rely on Your strength to complete the mission, the purpose, You have for me. I trust and worship You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
The song that came to mind Tom is “I stand, I stand, in awe of You.” Great way to start a morning (although mine began 5 hours ago) 🙂 Okay…great way to pick me up.
GREAT song Bill, I think I will go to You tube and YES, I have gotten slack these past few weeks with staying up too late to get up early enough. Of course, I was NEVER a 3:00 a.m. guy like you. But I do need to be a 4:30 guy. I truly appreciate your taking the time to swing by as you are one busy guy with a bunch of different folks. Glad He gave you a boost with this one! Bless you!
Good post Tom. Enjoyed the reminder to “choose worship”. Regardless of the circumstance, I will choose to worship my Father.
Thanks and amen Dustin. No circumstances can stop us from praising who He is. He is that fire at night, that cloud by day, He is God. May we worship Him how we can.
No doubts here! I think of two songs: “I can only Imagine!” by MercyMe and “How can I Keep from Singing?” by Chris Tomlin
Wow, thanks for the songs of praise. Praise , praise, praise Him who is our God! Thanks Kimberly- awesome!
I woke up in a funk today having a temporary pity party; when I went to your web I immediately went from oh to WOW. You are so right – we can worship Him no matter what the circumstance!! Your blog was truly inspiring and made my day. Thank you for allowing yourself to be used by the Lord.
Well Mary, now you have made my day! I am humbled by your confirmation of our great LORD and humbled that He can use me. He has just used your gift of encouragement as well. WOW, right back at you. Thanks!