Today’s Scripture: Job 42:5 ESV; I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you;
Life can be painful and hard. As I reflected on God’s people of old this morning I felt their struggles of life. Our ancestors in the faith did not live in ease and comfort. They lived the battles of life; yet in all they came to know and see God.
God pulled me through Job’s story this morning to remind me how much I do not understand. Did we hang the heavens? Do we have a hand in ways of nature? No. There is a God beyond our understanding and in our afflictions and in our lack of control we come to see Him.
Have you had anything in your life where God has taken you from just hearing about Him to now seeing Him and who He is?
We witness everyday the ugliness and evilness of man and I pray we look toward the light and majesty of God.
Today’s Prayer: Almighty God, You created all things and I thank You for the stories of old that teach us. In the harshness of life we find life in You. Thank You for loving us and proving Yourself. Please keep my eye on You for it is here I find meaning and purpose. LORD may our world see You. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
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