Today’s Scripture: 1 John 1:3 (God’s Word Translation) We proclaim to you what we ourselves have actually seen and heard so that you may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
How have you seen and heard Jesus personally? When John was writing this first letter of John he was showing his credibility to his audience that he had actually been there with the Christ. He had first hand experience of seeing, hearing and being touched by Jesus.
Where is our credibility? Do we stand on what we know about Jesus or do we stand on what we have experienced? Detractors and unbelievers can debate all aspects of the Christian faith as far as authorship, accuracy and truth. However, our experience is real and personal and can not be debated. This is not about knowing about God but knowing Him and sharing our life experience.
1 John 1:4 states: And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete. (ESV) This is another great affirmation, “My joy is complete”. How do we have complete joy? By telling others of how we have seen, heard and been touched by Jesus. Can we tell how God’s light has shown on our darkness? What is your story?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for touching me. Thank you for Jesus and the personal revelation of the Holy Spirit. I am grateful for Your light that You have shown on my darkness. Help me to continue to walk in Your light and to proclaim to others what I have seen and heard. Use my life Father God to give evidence of You that gives life to those who believe and hope to the searching. In You my joy is complete.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Donald Borsch Jr says
>>Do we stand on what we know about Jesus or do we stand on what we have experienced?
Yes. Yes, we do. I would also add that we stand on what He tells us about Himself.
Jesus says we can trust Him. –So do it.
Jesus says He will be faithful to us. –So stop wondering.
Jesus says for us to not worry. –So, stop fussing about like frantic schoolgirls.
What we know, what we see, and what we have been told. Definitely.
Tom Raines says
Profound Donald: you said ” I would also add that we stand on what He tells us about Himself.” What better the role model. BTW, i read your story on Bill’s site this morning after writing this and was blown away. That story my friend is what I am talking about. I guarantee there are some hurting and bitter folks out there who would find hope, intrique and confidence in your story. Your fighting spirit is evident and this touch of openness welcomes people in. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your time in the kitchen:)
Donald Borsch Jr says
Because of my immaturity and misplaced anger, I rebelled against God, on purpose, for one year and nine months. He later restored me. Not sure there is encouragement there, but I definitely can point to God’s grace on me as a son, even when I was so angry at Him.
Always good to hear from you, Tom.
Tom Raines says
That is exactly where the encouragement is my friend. Jesus came to heal the sick and find the lost and that is what we are to do. Millions of people have rebelled against God for thousands of dfferent reasons but many because of immaturity and misplaced anger and I am sure they would like to know what will happen to them when or if they decide to turn back. Sharing that we come out of our darkness into light is the magic of the Spirit. That message is is our testimony, our gift. Not only is your story encouraging it may well be soul saving and I pray you don’t hide it under a bushel. My guess is your story of victory and restoration will attract more people into heaven than beating up marginal and cultural Christians who are just in an immature season….just sayin…keep doing what you do but never be ashamed and have no doubt that your story wins souls!!
Dustin says
Tom, this is great. So often we live as if we haven’t seen/experienced God personally. I know I need that reminder from time to time.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Dustin. I feel that more people will listen to the Gospel if they can see the Gospel in us. We can show it in us because He changed us and that’s the story that allows us to share Jesus’ story in a real and personal way. I appreciate you stopping by!
projectmathetes says
You said:
So often we live as if we haven’t seen/experienced God personally.
Just like the Hebrews after they were taken out of Egypt and spent their time peeing and moaning about how things were so much better as slaves to a pagan Pharaoh. I hear ya, D. Let us never, and I mean NEVER, forget the goodness of God as He puts up with us.