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Overwhelming, that is what this God thing is. Choose Him and you will not be disappointed. No not disappointed but blown away. This is one of those days where God is overwhelming me. He is in control and He will take you and me where He wants us to be. If we choose to listen, choose Him, He will show us things we have never seen or experienced.
His plan this morning was obviously for us to be in Romans chapter 6 today. I went to this morning to read up on Roman’s 7:18 since Romans 7:18 is the biblical comparison verse in Celebrate Recovery for Step 1. “Something” nudged me to see what the previous chapter in Romans had said so I could get a point of reference.
The “point of reference” appears to be simply the point. Twenty eight affirmations later my heart has been deeply touched, my head has shaken in the craziness of it all and my eyes have shed tears of joy and awe. Yes this God thing is an emotional trip. Around each turn I continue to be amazed at the beauty of it all.
Roman’s 6 begins with us being reminded that when we accepted Christ and were baptized we died to our sins. Just as Jesus was raised from the dead, when we rise up out of that water we too have been raised from the dead. We are now NEW. There was an affirmation found right there in verse 4 that I copied to paste into my Facebook status: “I walk in newness of life.” Then the nudge stopped me again.
Something said wait, there may be more. So I typed a couple of different versions of verse 4 such as “I am living a new life.” And moved on. I just love the complete sell out I sense when reading verses 6 and 8 where I can claim “I died with Christ”. I really did. Verse 10’s affirmation was “The life I live I live to God.” To God I thought. I will have to revisit that language some day. To God or for God, I sense a difference but onward.
Then in Roman’s 6:13 I came across today’s affirmation: And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. (NKJ).
Wow, my eyes welled up with tears as I typed: I present myself to God as being alive from the dead. Tears of thanksgiving, tears of true gratitude and joy. O God thank you for allowing my old self to die so I may now live in your fullness. There is NO comparison.
And that very same scripture was an answer to prayer as we are told to give ALL parts of our bodies up for God’s righteousness. Every part of our physical bodies should be used to for His righteousness.
In Romans 6:16 we are told we are slaves to the one we obey. That hit home with the battles of the flesh. Do I choose to obey God or my flesh? I will be a slave to either. In 6:19 Paul tells us just like we used to give ourselves to the flesh we can now choose to give ourselves to God. Do you need proof? Just look at verse 21: “What fruit did you have then in the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death.” (NKJ) Just check out the fruits we generate when we are a slave to sin and flesh and compare those to the fruits we produce when we are slaves to God.
It does not compare. Overwhelmingly awesome are the fruits of God. How do you want to present yourself to God? We can choose whether we are slaves to sin or slaves to God. Thank you God. Have you ever been overwhelmed by God?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
I know that God ‘completes me’ – but is your writings I become so much more inspired and grateful to Him. You evoked the feeling in me that I am brimming over with God’s kindness, mercy and grace 🙂 What a great way to start my day! Thanks Brother Tom. Love and Peace to you always – sis
Thanks Sheryl, brimming over is a great word. Doesn’t the Holy Spirit feel as if it may spring right out or your chest? Crazy!
You wouldn’t even believe how this parallels what I’m working through right now.
Crazy, huh? I think I can’t overuse the word overwhelmed enough today. I am praying for you now my dear friend that you are blessed in His will and with whatever is going on. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for writing this for me – whether it was intentional or not. What a blessing – and what a great way to head into Thanksgiving week.
Debi, I honestly came across this morning as the LORD directed. I too was blessed. HE did it and I did not but I was overwhelmed by His greatness and His revealing His truth to us. Crazy, huh??! I can not claim any of it. I went looking for another scripture and He brought me to what He intended. Happy Thanksgiving!!
You are invited!! Swing by my blog and see what I am talking about, if you would be so kind, sir.
Donald in Bethel, CT
will do! Sorry, been so crazy at work this week have been hitting the road running after completing the blog. Will certainly stop by!