Today’s Scripture: For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him. Philippians 1:29
What a difference perspective makes. How do we approach life or more importantly how do we approach Christ? Coming to Christ with a thankful heart and thinking of others more than ourselves is such a privilege.
Have you ever witnessed the difference in others or yourself when life is approached this way? I was having this conversation just yesterday with a friend as I have been working in a retail environment for a few days. Those that approach life only to consume it do not seem very happy and often do not find anything that satisfies them. What a privilege it is to buy and do for others.
In Philippians 1:3 Paul states “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.” And in verse 4 he says “Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy,”; thanksgiving and joy comes when we think of others and pray. I can’t write this affirmation without hearing the echo of the old hymn What a friend we have in Jesus. Can’t you hear it?
What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.
Where will you enjoy your privileges today?
Today’s Prayer: Thank You God for Jesus and giving me the privilege of trusting and serving Him. Remind me throughout this day to be thankful and joyous that I have this opportunity to bring everything to You in prayer. Open my eyes to the needs of others today so I may enjoy Your joy. Thank you! Amen.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations for Life
jelillie says
Tom, Thank you! What a powerful opening Scripture. “For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him.” Philippians 1:29 The $10,000,000.00 question is: Will we take up the privilege of trusting when we are called to the privilege of suffering?
I have determined that I will trust no matter what in the world may happen!
Tom Raines says
Thanks jelillie, yes that is the questionand the determination. We can also be priviledged to be fellow soldiers in sharing the Good News. No matter what. May God be our strength and our peace.
rcottrill says
Greetings from Wordwise Hymns. Yes, prayer is a “privilege”–also a duty, and a joy, of course. That word caught my eye too, this morning, as I posted an article on the hymn. So did the phrase “needless pain,” in the opening stanza. Speaking for myself, I can so often try to carry burdens the Lord never intended for me, or fail to seek His aid to bear the ones He’s assigned me. The result is “needless pain”! God bless.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Robert for stopping by and sharing. May we bear what is assigned to us with a sense of privilege! Bless you and your ministry!