Today’s Scripture: They have been a wonderful encouragement to me, as they have been to you. You must give proper honor to all who serve so well. 1 Corinthians 16:18 NLT Tyndale.
Do you ever feel you disconnect from God? Is God still at work just because we don’t show up? Of course. Coming off a Memorial Day weekend filled with spending 20 plus hours refinishing my deck I was weary. Did honoring those who served take a back seat to the mundane demands of life?
Going to my prayer closet this morning I felt like it had been a month since I spent some alone time with God. In just three short days of neglecting my quiet time and it felt like much more. Yes I squeezed in church and some pool time and a celebration with new friends, yet I missed my time with God.
Picking up where I left off on Friday in my current travels through the Tyndale Chronological One Year Bible God made it clear that He is at work even when I am not showing up. This scripture about giving proper honor to all who serve should have been my reading yesterday, Memorial Day, but I didn’t show up. Of course, Paul was speaking of honoring Stephanos and others who were spending their lives in service to other Christians but we are to give honor to those who serve. How do you serve?
Once again God overwhelmed me with His goodness. I recorded almost eighty affirmations this morning and do not really know how to serve you with them in this limited space and just offering one. If you are interested I will list some of those this morning and know God is at work and you will find the one you need or have to serve others with. Blessings to you and I give you honor for how you serve.
Today’s Prayer: Father forgive me for when I don’t show up. Thank You for Your faithfulness and Your Word. You are a blessing and I thank you. Come Lord. Amen
I am doing the Lord’s work. I stand true to what I believe.
I am courageous and strong in Him.
I do everything in love. I spend my life in service to others. I encourage others.
I love the Lord. The grace of the Lord Jesus is with me. I believe in Jesus.
God gives me power. I destroy what keeps me from Him.
The Spirit gives me purpose. I know why I am here.
I have been called to belong to Jesus Christ. God loves me dearly.
God knows how often I pray. I serve God with all my heart.
I pray for opportunity. I share spiritual blessings.
I am eager to encourage others in their faith. I am encouraged by the faith of others.
Each of us will be a blessing to the other. The power of God is at work.
The Good News makes us right in God’s sight. Through faith I have life.
I welcome the truth. God has put His truth in our hearts. I see what God has made.
We clearly see God’s invisible qualities. We all know God.
I worship God and give Him thanks.
I choose to believe God. I worship the creator Himself.
I encourage others to choose God.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
bill (cycleguy) says
You are not alone in your “forgetting” tom. I got so busy early that I too failed to meet with Him. I can take comfort in His presence with me but also in knowing that my failure to meet with Him does not negate His work in my life.
Tom Raines says
Amen, it’s a great thing He still works. I just pray to be faithful. He surely is!
Dustin says
Timely. Thanks Tom. Grateful that God is good in the ‘mundanes’ just as much!
Tom Raines says
Yes He is! Thanks Dustin!
Donald Borsch Jr says
“….He is at work even when I am not showing up.”
Amen, Tom. Now if only we could get more believers to believe this.
Tom Raines says
May we have faith! Thanks Donald.
jelillie says
God does work even when I don’t show up…but oh what I miss when I play hooky! Thanks for the post.
Tom Raines says
SOOO true Jelillie. We rob ourselves of JOY!! Thanks for stopping by!
Michael Cartwright says
No doubt Tom…God is at work all the time even when we don’t show up. Our Pastor actually did a sermon on just “Show Up” it was in a little different context, but this made me think of his sermon. It is a difficult challenge to be ever present…but I will settle for doing the best I can.
Thanks and God bless,
Tom Raines says
Thanks Michael, I am just thankful that I now know how much I miss Him and love showing up!