Today’s Scripture: Psalm 27:4 NIV: One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.
If you had one thing to ask of the LORD what would it be? I have found like David that if I gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and seek Him I do find myself dwelling with Him.
As I gaze upon the beauty of the LORD my heart is filled with joy in His creation. As I gaze upon the beauty of the LORD my heart breaks for those who do not know or experience this joy. As I gaze upon the beauty of the LORD with my eyes and my soul I see Him.
I pray you enjoy your gaze upon Him today and ask to dwell in His house all the days of your life. I treasure the opportunity to seek Him in His temple with you. What do you find when you gaze upon the LORD? Is your greatest desire to dwell with Him? With Him we see His beauty.
Today’s Prayer: Father God, Creator God thank You for Your beauty. Thank You for filling the gaze of my eyes and my heart with Your love and Your joy. I am filled and I praise You for what You have given me. LORD, I pray to share Your beauty and the gazing that fill my heart. Like David, I ask to dwell with you all the days of my life. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
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